"Dont worry because we about to get answers" Tony smirks looking at the afaird guy in the cell flipping the device in his hand "nice to be on other side of the cell this time" Clint smirks clicking his knuckles. 

"I want to go first" Loki says pulling out a certian dagger "answers first then you can have all the fun you guys want" Steve says and Bucky nods clenching his metal arm "and I want to be the one to ask questions" 


Mia P.O.V

"Why the twins first?" Peter asks me surprised as it was furthest away compared to Nats or Bruces.

We now stand outside of Wandas door, her and Pietros rooms are right next to each other but from what I have been told they have been hiding together in Wandas.

"Well if everyone has their rooms in silent mode then maybe they can't hear people outside the doors. In the same way we cant hear into her room but Wanda has powers so she can sense magic and Jarvis cant block that out. She will also be helpful to help us break into Nats room" I explain with a smile knocking on Wandas door. 

Peter said they have still accepting food trays but havent came out or spoken to anyone else "just like I thought" I say as we get no reply and I hear no movement passed the door. 

I step back pulling Peter back with me and he gives me a questioning look as I hold my hand out creating a rather big flame so she will feel the power "wow" Peter says and I smile. It only took 30 seconds before the door flew open and I stop the flame instantly. 

Wanda eyes were all red and puffy as she looks at me like she had seen a ghost "Wanda?" I ask and she moves pulling me to her but not stopping as she pulls me into her room leaving the door open "Wanda?" I ask again but she doesnt reply until her legs hit the bed and she drops pulling me down with her on the bed she lays over me hugging me to her and begin crying loudly. 

"We lost to much already then I thought we lost you too" she begins to sob "how are you here? How are you alive?" she asks "I am sorry I was taken" I say hugging her back trying to calm her breathing "shh I am sorry" I whisper wiping her tears but she shakes her head. 

"Sister?" a voice comes from the bathroom as flush soon follows "Peter what are you doing in here-" Pietro asks rather annoyed but then stops as Wanda moves off me letting him see me. He freezes his eyes were all red like Wanda's his normal cheeky smirk was gone his skin pale with rings under his eyes. 

"Is this a trick?" he asks his sister surprisingly on guard and angry but his sister smiles sniffling "Я обещаю, это не уловка, обещаю, что она настоящая" (I promise it's no trick I promise she is real)

Whatever she says have him moving at lightening speed as he runs to me "Princessa" he says pulling me of the bed and picking me up I wrap my legs around his hips he pulls me to his lips instantly "Бог наконец вернул мне того, кого я люблю" Pietro says to Wanda who sniffles with a smile as Peter comes and cuddle next to her (God finally gave me back someone I love)

"Huh?" I ask not speaking Russian but he kisses me back "nothing princessa you are here it is all that matters"


Tony P.O.V

"You know the quickest DNA kit normally takes about a day to get the results but since we can do it here and I am Tony Stark with the best technology I get a result in five minutes" I say holding up the test result "so tell me, did Maya make you think you were mine or did you know all along?" I ask bending down to Billys level as he spits out blood at me getting blood on my white shirt making me sigh. 

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