Chapter 48- 28th August

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Hi guys!

Sorry Warnings a little bit of swearing in this one!!

Anyway, thank you all for voting, commenting and reading still! Honestly so grateful people gave this story a chance <3


"I can't believe they still aren't answering!" Tony says annoyed as he, Bruce, Bucky and Steve all stood in the kitchen it was still early morning but it looked like they hadn't slept well. I woke up in the shared room noticing them to be gone so I woke up getting out of Peters and Pietro grip was easy in comparison to the super soldiers.

"Wanda and Pietro are both worried and Laura haven't heard from them so she is now panicking. Fury is doing a search on them but they think it's to do with-" Tony stops as Steve coughs finally spotting me.

They all turn to see me in the doorway "they think it's to do with me?" I ask.

I haven't been able to sleep well last night either "doll" Bucky says coming to me first giving me a quick peck on my head "well it is the 28th right? The meeting date?" I mumble and he pulls me to sit down at the kitchen stall grabbing me a water "they think so" Tony sighs coming closer and kissing my head "but I am sure Clint and Nat are just acting like children and trying to get a point across it wouldn't be the first time they disappeared like this" Tony says walking to the coffee machine clicking his neck. 

"Tony" Steve says not impressed but Tony doesn't reply grabbing a cup from the cupboard "They are very strong so I am sure they are fine Mia nothing to worry about" Bruce says with a smile but it doesn't reach his eyes and I see the fear in his eyes. 

"Morning Bunny!" Wade comes in hugging me and everyone grumbles something "morning" I smile and he frowns "still not word huh?" he asks reading the room before grabbing his own cup from the cupboard and beating Tony to the machine stealing his drink which had Tony glaring at him. 

"What time are Phil and Fury coming?" Jack asks walking in with a half-asleep Ethan who sits next to me laying his head on the unit "let me make you all some breakfast" I say getting up wanting to do something for everyone. 

"It is alright Mia I don't think I could eat" Bruce says and Tony nods agreeing "I don't care you guys make me eat all the time, now you are going to eat we need our strengths for whatever is going on" or what is bound to happen. 

We know something is coming but what that is none of us knows but I have had a feeling in the pit of my stomach all night that I haven't been able to shake off. 

Bruce nods to breakfast sitting down putting his face in his hands "Bruce" Steve says coming round to comfort him. 

"What you thinking doll?" Bucky asks me as I got to the fridge "morning" Thor says walking in and sitting up the counter with the others "egg and soldiers?" I ask them and they look at me like I am speaking a language they don't understand  "you want to find little men to battle with eggs?" Thor asks with a frown but I can see a little amusement in his eyes at the thought making me let out a little laugh. 

"She means dippy eggs" Bruce explains to everyone and they all nod. 

"You would think the writer wouldn't use British terms in a book based in America would you?" Wade says looking directly at the readers. 

"Wade what are you doing?" I grumble seeing Wade look off into the middle of nowhere again in the kitchen. He sometimes get like this acting like he was in a movie or something "he is doing it again" Jack grumbles slapping Wade around the head slapping him out of it "I keep telling you there is a 4th wall that you cant see-" Wade starts but I zone him outputting the eggs in the boiling water and grabbing the bread. 

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