It's Too Soon- Jatrina

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We thought the hallway was messy but the main room is so much worse, yet I love it. The atmosphere feels so calming, despite being able to feel the physical vibrations of the rhythm blasting from the speakers. We perch onto the cushioned barstools and take our orders.

"Four shots of vodka please,"

"Just four?" She wonders, raising an eyebrow at the unique request.

"One for every year we've been together... We'll get more drinks later don't worry," I giggle at the vodka-addict across from me and I receive the same response back.

We take our 2 shots each and begin talking about anything that comes to our mind, we begin with talking about our dream houses and the conversation somehow leads to the best alcohol to have with mac and cheese, I'm not sure how that connects but the conversation was free flowing and enjoyable to that's all that matters.

"I think I'm just about drunk enough to go on the dance floor, you ready?" Katrina asks, practically hopping off of her bar stool.

"As ready as I'll ever be, plus this is a good song so I'm down,"

We slide our arms around each other's waists and stride towards the flashing multi-coloured floor with large lights beaming down on it with colours ranging from red to violet.

The song continues to play as we jump around and dance like we are 18 again, boy do I wish I was 18 again, although, I do love my life now.

My favourite part of the song approaches when the beat drops and then transitions into the chorus, I love the power of it. We wait for the beat drop and when it happens, get ready to jump into the air once more, we connect our hands and raise our arms in the air, waiting... Waiting...

It should've happened by now-

In sync, we both shoot our heads to a now broken window seen as the ear-shattering noise echoed from that direction and notice five silhouettes jumping through the window at once. All of them have full black clothing on from what I can see with masks covering their whole face... What the hell is happening?

Screams of terror scatter throughout the colossal building and the music has stopped seen as each individual is persevering to evacuate, yet I can't move.

I hear her voice yet it just sounds like inaudible babbling, even though I know she would never do that.

More gunshots fire around the place, I can't tell if people are being shot or if they are being fired at inanimate objects to project fear but either way, it's working. I can't bare the fact of this night going wrong, I can't bare the fact of losing the one I love.

I can feel my forearm being held onto extremely tightly and either being tugged or just gripped onto, I'm not quite sure...

"JANET!" My eyes finally focus and the blurry vision has mostly faded.


"We need to move, I'm not losing you!" She let's go of my limb knowing that I have snapped back into reality and able to follow her and so I do.

We run as fast as our legs can physically carry us up until this point I'm gasping for breath.

"Here... Hide here..." We slip beneath a table that smells of beer and wine and spirits all mixed together, not the best scent but that's not what I should be thinking about right now.

"I have a-" she stops abruptly when we see a figure dressed in full black a few metres away. They're scavenging behind the bar either for money or people, neither are good but I'd prefer them take possessions instead of life.

One shots (Bechloe, Swanqueen, Jatrina) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz