It's Too Soon- Jatrina

176 2 14

- Jatrina
- Angst
- Don't have to have watched KallmeKris imagine series to understand
⚠️Death & blood⚠️

Neon rainbow signs light up the streets of Vegas as we make our way in the cab to the club. Stars of all shapes and sizes twinkle in the sable sheet accompanied by a large full moon. Tonight was our first night in Vegas after coming here for a weekend holiday and the tranquility of everything (despite there being so many people) is oddly calming along with being with the person I love most.

Last month, our marriage became official, it was a small wedding yet so meaningful and amazing because she was there and that day was all about us and the love we share. Katrina wore an amazing crimson blazer matching her trousers and a white blouse beneath with black shoes, perfectly polished. Her golden hair was styled casual yet so perfect, just like her.

I wore a cliche white wedding dress but I felt so right in it and plus, I wanted to focus on my vows and planning the wedding instead dof my dress because they are what really expresses my adoration for this woman. It was an Autumn wedding, with a deep red theme. There were roses on every table at the reception and we kissed our first kiss as wife and wife beneath a maple-leaf arch, specially made by my aunt.

Suddenly, I snap out of my thoughts of the happiest day of my life to notice that the cab has stopped and Katrina is paying the driver. She's dressed in a tight red dress that falls just above her knees, it's a turtleneck and has a leather jacket over the top, and it looks amazing. Her knee-boots make the outfit stand out just that little extra more and once again I'm lost in my mind at her beauty, I'm so grateful to have not only a beautiful but such a kind, caring, loving person in my life.

"Janet, are you ready?" I hear her strong Russian accent cut through the air and grin to myself.

"Yep," I place my hands onto the car door to lift myself out of the vehicle and she grabs my hand. My sapphire skirt lifting a little when my knees bend and the black strap on one arm of my tank top (tucked into my pencil skirt) falls down my shoulder just enough that I can't reach it without letting go of her hand, so I leave it.

We reach the line up for the club which thankfully isnt very long and wait patiently.

"Are the kids okay? Did Chad text you? I left my phone in the hotel room," I begin playing with my fingers as a stress coping mechanism.

"Everything is good Janet, just have a good time tonight, I promise me, you and the children are and will stay fine," her lips curve upwards and smile at me with ease, like Katrina can just make all my worries go away... Which is true.

"Okay, I trust you,"

She nods back at me once more for reassurance and we enter the club. Booming music blasts through the hallway before we have even entered the main room and there are empty or spilt cups and wrappers of God knows what, everywhere. A waft of alcohol flows past our noses along with a hint of nostalgia, reminding us of when we were eighteen.

"Gosh, I feel really old now!" I remark whilst our legs still carry us towards the door that leads to the bar, I need a few more drinks until I can function on the dance floor.

"Eh don't worry, it's our honeymoon we can do whatever," she stops walking, "We," She grasps onto my chin and rotates it to face her, "want," and with her last word, our lips connect and bodies flush together. Just the smallest moment or movement like this makes me want this woman even more, even though its not physically or emotionally possible to have anymore than I already have.

"We really got to get to the bar before the club closes," a chuckle vibrates from her moth and I can feel it even though we aren't fully touching, our feet continue their journey to the bar whilst our fingertips grip onto each other like it's our last day on earth.

One shots (Bechloe, Swanqueen, Jatrina) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang