Chapter 9

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The next morning peaked on by as Bugs, who stirred awake from his sleep first, yawns and stretches out his arms. 

He begins to sit up from couch until he noticed that Daffy was laying right on top of his chest and freezes in an instant. 

His face was turning a little red from the sight of it.

What the?! How did this happen?! Bugs thought in a panic as he attempts to move Daffy over without disturbing him using one hand to cup the edge of his head while slowly pushing his own body off using his other hand. 

When Bugs was able to remove himself completely from the couch, he sighed in relief when he sees that Daffy didn't even wake up from all of the movement. 

Apparently they had both fell asleep from their movie last night and forgot to wake each other up in the process. 

The warm thought of Daffy sleeping peacefully like an angel had crossed Bugs's mind as he smiles brightly and rubs the top of Daffy's head gently. 

Although yesterday's altercation with Lola and her boyfriend had sadden him, Daffy being there and present with him has somehow made it all seem better. 

He then allowed Daffy sleep a little longer and heads to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee for their usual morning dose of caffeine.

As he places the filter and water in the pot, which apparently was the same one from before that Daffy had used since they didn't get a chance to buy another coffee machine yet, he begins to ponder a lot. 

About last night and Daffy's sudden interest in helping him with his problems.

He wonders why Daffy was not being straight with him. 

Why was he....somehow so selfless and surprisely more kind. 

He then pictures Daffy beaming with joy when they shopped around that day. 

His laughter when him and Bugs tease each other and the memories that they tend to bring up in their conversations. 

His near distance to him when Bugs had applied on that cologne that caused him to be deeply intoxicated in its fumes as he smelled his neck. 

The two were so close. 

So very little inches between them. 

Almost to the point where he could have possibly kissed him and no one would even notice. 

He stared blankly in a dreamlike state, unaware that he was wearing a big grin on his face, until all of a sudden, he looks down and sees that he had poured the water all over the pot and onto the floor!

"Ah!!!" Bugs yelped out as he tries to clean up the mess in a hurry with a nearby towel.

What's wrong with me? Why am I pulling a Daffy today? Bugs thought, confused as wipes up the water and sets the soaked towel to the side.  

He then heads to the bathroom and shuts the door behind him, hoping to clear his head from his unanticipated carelessness . 

He begins to wash his face for about a minute until he decides to turn off the facet sink and looks in the mirror. 

 His face was dripping at the edges of his fur from the water as he continues to stare at himself.

His mind, slowly in a daze and now swirling vigorously with more thoughts of them. 

And only them. 

For some reason no one else came into the picture. 

Not even Lola was a part of his daydream. 

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