Chapter 2

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The next morning, Bugs, who got up early, stood up from the couch that he was sleeping in with a groan and stretched his limbs.

He then looked over at the table by him and noticed a full cup of light brownish cup of coffee that had been left out since last night.

"Huh? When did I make this?" Bugs said to himself confused while picking up the cup and out of curiosity, sipped on it a bit.

By the way his eyes begin to bulge out, indicated to the fact that it was horrible and spits it out in an instant.

"Bleh! Why does it taste so bad?! It's nothing but water!" Bugs yelled out digested as he places it back down on the table immediately and rubbed his mouth raw from the awful coffee that was still left on the top of his tongue.

"I don't remember making coffee this bad." Bugs groaned as his eyes instantly searches for the culprit to this ordeal and sees Daffy, who was still sleeping like a bear, slouched up in his recliner holding his empty mug of coffee.

Of course. Bugs thought with a smirk, while shaking his head in dismay.

He must have been the one to make it for him last night.

Why else would it be so light and grainy from the coffee grounds.

Suddenly another thought crossed his mind.

The kitchen.

"Sigh. Let's see what the damage is this time." Bugs said, knowing full well that Daffy can be quite the mess maker as he goes through the dining room that is connected through the kitchen and lets out a huge scream in response.

"Gasp! Daffy!" Bugs shouted so loud, that it shook the whole house and thankfully woke Daffy up too for that matter.

"Wha! Huh?" Daffy half sleepily called out while slowly getting out his recliner to stretched his back.

"You messed up my coffee pot! And there's water all over the floor! The tiles are damp and soaked because you didn't mop it up in time. Now I'm gonna have to call someone to replace the flooring and get a new coffee pot machine." Bugs scolded as Daffy joins him in the kitchen a second later.

"Sorry Bugs. I was just trying to make you some coffee." Daffy said, apologetic while rubbing his neck embarrassed.

"You should have asked me first." Bugs said.

"Asked you what? You said it was okay." Daffy said, confused.

"I did not say...." Bugs was going to argue back until he thought about his breakup and the bar afterwards.

"Daffy, how much did I drink last night exactly?" Bugs asked who was now the one getting embarrassed.

"Oh, I don't know but it was a lot and you passed out soon after. I wasn't able to give you any coffee at all because you fell asleep too quickly." Daffy explained, a little disappointed for his efforts going to waste.

Bugs then rubbed his arm, ashamed for yelling at him.

"Oh....sorry. I guess I can't blame you for trying at least. Although, you do know that coffee could've have at least killed this awful buzz that I have and now it's still hurting." Bugs added, realizing that he needed some pain medicine to ease the throbbing migraine as he goes through his cabinet to get a couple of tablets.

"What?" Daffy said, who was puzzled again by his words.

"You didn't know. Coffee has high amounts of caffeine that can make you more alert and less likely to fall asleep. It soaks up the alcohol like a sponge. However, it doesn't necessarily make it all go away but it helps. Just letting you know in case... I let myself get carried away like that again." Bugs explained softly while taking the medicine and drinking some water with it.

He turned to Daffy, who was still a little slow at this new information that he had implied to him but still understood the reason why and nodded his head.

"Yeah. I gotcha you." Daffy said with a half smile as the two locked eyes for a moment until Bugs turned away for him.

"Anyways....thanks again for last night. That was really nice of you to help me out there." Bugs said with tints of pink spreading across his cheeks.

Unaware that Daffy's face was producing a similar but more darker color on his cheeks too.

"You're welcome." Daffy said softly.

Soon, a long and awkward silence fell between the two for a while until Bugs spoke up.

"You wanna go somewhere? I could use some fresh air." Bugs suggested.

"Sure." Daffy replied as they head upstairs to get dressed, hoping to take the edge off by going on a breezy walk somewhere in town.


Afterwards, they left the house, they in drove Bugs's car on over to a nearby sidewalk park and parked the car in a close spot towards the main entrance.

As they got out and started their stroll on the grass part of the park, there was a still, quietness that hung over their heads.

Bugs got a little worried when he sees how very silent their walk was getting, which was unusual for Daffy, who barely even spoke at all the whole way over.

No bluffing, no planning, no gloating, no....anything.

So Bugs decided then to have them sit down directly on the grass, hoping he can talk about whatever was going through his mind.

"Are you alright? I didn't say anything negative to ya last night, did I?" Bugs asked, in concern.

"No, you're fine." Daffy mumbled while looking down.

"Is there something else on your mind, maybe?" Bugs asked, thinking that he may not have been feeling great either that very same day.

"Its complicated." Daffy answered.

He didn't want him to feel sympathy for his own breakup in his relationship even though, that's not all that he was feeling.

A part of him was yearning for something else.

Something more warm and fuzzy, but he just couldn't quite figure it out yet.

"I understand. Just know that whenever you're ready to talk about it, I'm willing to listen to ya." Bugs said with a half smile.

He figured that it was best to leave it be until he was at ease enough to tell him.

"Thanks, but I really wish you do understand." Daffy whispered so low that Bugs wouldn't be able to hear him and sighed with his head nodding to his response.

"Do you....want me to see if I can help you guys get back together?" Daffy offered which Bugs struck Bugs, oddly.

"Daffy, you don't have to....." Bugs, who was confused by his sudden suggestion was going to say until he was interrupted.

"I wanna help." Daffy added.

"Why?" Bugs asked, puzzled.

"Because you're my best friend." Daffy said with a smile.

And I want you to be happy. Daffy thought, sadly.

For the first time in a long time, he wants to do something for someone else in his life.

Even if it meant, that he would have to one day let go of him forever.

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