Chapter 7

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Bugs couldn't believe his eyes, the girl talking to him was none other than Lola who was holding her arm around Pepe's like the perfect ideal couple. 

This was like Bugs's nightmare rehaunting him all over again. 

"Lola? What are you doing here?" Bugs asked rhetorically while still focusing on couple's tight grip to each other. 

"What are you talking about? I always come to the mall to shop." Lola said, confused by Bugs's tone of questioning. 

"With him though? You never went shopping with me." Bugs said, with a small sense of jealousy in his voice. 

"That's because you didn't want to go with me every time I ask. You only come to the mall when you needed a T.V or shoes. Everything else is online with you." Lola barked back in a new form of attitude that even Bugs has never seen before, but kept going with the argument. 

"That cause online shopping is much more convenient to me then driving all the way here just to pay stuff." Bugs argued. 

"Well if its so much easier than why are you here then?" Lola asked, her hands on her hips. 

"Well if you must know, for your information, I'm here to..." Bugs was going to say until he was interrupted. 

"Excuse me monsieur? Pardon for the interruption, but may I ask what is that aromatic smell you got there?" Pepe asked smoothly, referring to Bugs's cologne that lingered easily through the skunk's nose.  

"No, you may not Mr. charmer. If you want to know so bad, then go ask about it yourself at the perfume store over there." Bugs said harshly while pointing his finger over to the store  

"Eh, that's fine with me. The ladies there already love my scent." Pepe said shrugging his shoulders, referring to the unbearable funk from his tail. 

Bugs looked away disgusted, knowing full well what he meant by his 'scent'. 

Lola, now getting offended, turns to Pepe and held onto his hands. 

"Sweetie, can you just give us one second, please?" Lola asked in rare high pitched voice. 

"Sure, my beautiful flower, take all the time you need." Pepe said with a wink while Bugs just rolled his eyes at him. 

Lola then let go of his hands and gripped hard on Bugs's arm, dragging him at a distance so that they could talk. 

When enough space was given, she let out all of her fuss. 

"Why are being so rude to him?" Lola asked in an outrage. 

"Well I wouldn't have to be, if you weren't out there with that creep." Bugs said, pointing at Pepe, who wasn't even affected at all by his insult. 

"Pfft. What are you jealous?" Lola asked, laughing in a sarcastic manner. 

"Of course I am Lola! We were dating for 2 years. 2 solid years! And you had to leave me for him! Out of all people!" Bugs shouted angrily. 

"Well, unlike you, He just so happens to care about me." Lola said in a dramatic tone. 

"I cared about you too! I even helped you up for 6 weeks when your stupid leg was broken for pete's sake." Bugs argued back. 

"That may be so, but did you read romantic poems to me? Did you give me flowers and take me to exotic dates? Did you give me the whole world? Actually... now that I think about it, can you give me the whole world? Is that even possible?" Lola asked while slowly switching back to her more clueless side of her personality. 

"No, you can't." Bugs answered with exhaustion and irritation in his voice. 

"Oh, that's too bad." Lola said, shrugging her shoulders. 

"Sigh. My point is, if we were having problems and you felt like I didn't commit too much in our relationship. We should have talked about it first before you started running off to the next guy that gives you attention." Bugs explained, pinching his nose, annoyed. 

He was running out of patience with her and frankly, wanted to leave from it all soon before he does something he would regret. 

Like knocking the guy out for stealing her away from him. 

"I know and I'm sorry for causing you so much pain but... I just love him." Lola answered so fluently. 

"I get that. But what am I trying to say is, what exactly is it that you love about him? Why him out of every other guy in the universe? What makes him so special to you?" Bugs asked, feeling a small ache in his chest. 

No matter how hard he tried, he obviously he didn't seem to be good enough for her anyways.

"I don't think I have a reason why. All I know is that he was just the one for me. I can sense us having a bigger connection. Like it was meant to be." Lola awed like she was in a fantasy like dream. 

Bugs suddenly jolted back, thinking back to those words that the lady said to him earlier in the shop. 

When they're blind enough to be bothered with someone that they're not meant to be with

He sighed and just gave up at this point.

"You're right. I guess we just weren't right for each other then." Bugs said sadly.  

"Sorry Bugs but, its for the best. Maybe, someday you'll find your perfect right for you." Lola said in a beaming manner until a sudden thought popped in her mind. 

"Oh! Its getting late. I better get going before all of the stores close, but I'll catch you later okay?" Lola said as she rushly waved goodbye and rewrapped her arm around Pepe. 

"Come on Pepsi. We have got to go to Dillard's. They've got some amazing shoes that I must have" Lola cooed romantically. 

"Anything for you, mademoiselle." Pepe said sweetly before turning to Bugs with a sneer-like grin.  

"See you soon old friend." Pepe said with a wink just to peeve Bugs off as the two walk off together in the other direction. 

The nerve of this guy. Bugs thought, annoyed while watching them disappear from his sight. 

He could just rip that dude into pieces if he has to.

But.... as long as she was happy then, it didn't matter much to him. 

He'll always end up being the 2nd best thing that's happened to her. Bugs thought in sorrow as he stood there blank-spaced until Daffy, who had came back not more soon later excitedly. 

"I'm back! What did I miss?" Daffy asked as Bugs turned to him with a half smile. 

"I'm done." Bugs said bluntly. 

"What?! What do you mean? Done with what?" Daffy asked, confused. 

"Fighting. I'm done fighting for her. Its over." Bugs explained as Daffy looks over at him in concern. 

"What happened?" Daffy asked, putting his hand on Bugs's shoulder while the two locked eyes until Bugs's broke away from their stare, his ears slowly drooping down. 

You could tell just by looking at him, that he was in deep pain. 

"I'll tell you on the way home, come on." Bugs mumbled as the two exited the mall and head towards the car that was parked up front. 

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