Chapter 6

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When they got to the food court, they ordered a couple of sandwiches to-go and sat down on a table nearby.

Neither of them, barely speaking a word while slowly biting into their food.

So far, their day had been getting more and more awkward by the minute.

It wasn't all bad though.

They were still enjoying their day like everything else.

The only thing that had bothered them a little was the uncertain and unnerving but at the same time, needy feeling of being so close to each other which made things seem so unsettling between them.

Bugs felt bad for denying the emotional moment back there when in truth, he really didn't know exactly what to feel.

The fact that they have been friends for so long and were so used to each other made him wonder how could it even be possible.

Maybe there was a reason why him and Lola broke up. could be because he was meant to be with someone much closer.

Someone.... who had been right beside him this whole time.

But....he's got a girlfriend and I'm sure this was only just Daffy being himself. Bugs thought, while brushing away the questions off his mind.

After they had finished eating, they went by Macy's and looked at a couple outfits.

Hopefully trying on a few clothes would make him feel better. Bugs thought as he went inside nearby dressing room while Daffy waited right outside of the area in a chair.

When Bugs was done putting on the first outfit that he chose, he came out to show Daffy.

"What do you think of this outfit?" Bugs asked.

He was wearing a white sweater that was pulled up in the sleeves with very loose-fitting white pants.

Daffy looked over at him for a second before giving him a dissatisfied look.

"Nah. It's too baggy." Daffy said with his head shaking in disapproval.

"Okay. You're the judge." Bugs said as he entered back inside the room to change out the clothes.

A few minutes later, he came out of the dressing room for the second time, now wearing a blue Jean jacket with a shirt underneath, low waisted pants and a light brown fedora hat.

"How about now? The hat a little too much?" Bugs asked, while tilting the hat in a funky silly, Michael Jackson style.

This made Daffy laugh a bit.

"Haha. Nope. Not even I would find you attractive in that outfit...." Daffy said until he stopped in a heartbeat, believing he made a mistake.

His cheeks, slowly tinting pink.

"Uh...I meant handsome! Ugh. You you know what I mean." Daffy groaned, in an attempt to correct his compliment while putting his hand on his face, sheepishly. 

"You're good. I got it. We'll ditch this outfit too." Bugs said, chuckling a little while entering the room again to put a third pair of clothes.

Daffy then, frowns and looked down.

"Hey Bugs? About earlier...." Daffy said, guilty until he was interrupted by Bugs, who unknown to him was also upset as well behind the fitting room door that separated the two.

"D...don't worry about it. I wanted to get out of there, myself too. It was stifling hot and we needed lunch anyway. So it's not a big deal." Bugs lied, his mind burning in agonizing thoughts.

There a small moment of silence until Daffy broke it.

"Do I embarrass you?" Daffy asked out of the blue which made Bugs flinch a little by the sound of it.

"Why would you say that?" Bugs asked, now in concern.

"I don't know. I just have a feeling that everything I do, humiliates you. I...I overheard you telling the lady about us and I just wanted to know.... if I'm messing this up for you." Daffy explained, sadly. 

Bugs's heart sank low and his back that was against the door, slid to the bottom of the floor.

"Daffy. What happened back there was an accident and I only corrected her about us because I didn't want her to assume anything that's all." Bugs said, softly. 

"Are you sure?" Daffy asked, rubbing his arm anxiously. 

"I promise. I want you to be here with me and no amount of silly fall ups that we do in the long run will ever change that."  Bugs said, feeling a strong warm smile spread his face. 

A few minutes later, he came out out of the dressing room which caused Daffy to widen his eyes in surprise. 

Bugs was wearing a light gray Henley buttoned up shirt and jeans.

The outfit may look simple but it just like him personally.

Daffy unnoticedly smiles brightly and nodded his head. 

"I like that one. It suits you." Daffy affirmed. 

"Thanks Doc. I think this one is going in checkout isle as well." Bugs said with a wink as he went inside to the dressing room to change out before the two head up to a cash register to pay for the pair of clothing. 

When they were finished with the purchase, they exited the store and walked throughout the hallways of the crowded mall. 

For a while, Daffy had been getting an uneasy feeling to his gut.

He felt like he could do more for him to show how caring and selfless he is with their friendship. 

But what?

Then an idea suddenly struck his head as he turns to Bugs for a quick request. 

"Can I borrow your credit card for a moment?" Daffy asked, a little rush in his words.

"Why?" Bugs asked, confused.

"I just need it for a second." Daffy said. 

"Okay? Here. Whatever it is. Just please don't let it be a big bundle of junk that we don't need"  Bugs said as he hands him the card. 

"Thanks. I'll be right back." Daffy said while zooming fast to a store that was way past Bugs's view of sight. 

"Sure! I'll be..... waiting for you then." Bugs called out, despite Daffy's lack of hearing and sighs.

What was he going to do? Bugs thought in his mind as he watched Daffy leave and looked over in his directions until a startling voice shook him.  

"Bugs? Is that you?" The voice from behind Bugs asked as he turned around to see a familiar girl in her typical blue and white dress.

Oh no.... Bugs groaned in thought while looking at her with an queasy feeling to his guts.

Can this day get any worse?

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