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annabeth.chase The children we bring into the world are small replicas of ourselves and our husbands; the pride and joy of grandfathers and grandmothers. We dream of being mothers, and for most of us that dreams are realized naturally. For this is the Miracle of Life. Welcome to the world, Mira Veda Jackson.

tagged; perSEAjackson

liked by justjason haz.bby g.man and 801,389 others


chlochella Mira Veda, what a beautiful name! Congratulations guys!💙

annabeth.chase chlochella Thank you Chloe!💛


theghostking guess that's what nine months of being inactive gets ya but seriously congrats!😂🖤

annabeth.chase theghostking Thank you Nico 😂💛


justjason Guess your baby is going to be a bit older than traite's. Congrats though!💛

annabeth.chaase justjason I guess she will be🤔 Thanks though Jase!💛


haz.bby Omg congrats! She looks beautiful!💜💜

annabeth.chase haz.bby Thanks Haz!💛


g.man honored to be The Godfather of the first PERCABETH BABY! Congrats!💚💚

annabeth.chase g.man Thanks Grover! We couldn't have chosen anyone better!💛💛

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