"Shuckface," Winson, Clint, and Newt corrected at the same time.

The Glader slang was still new to her, but she liked trying to use it. Everyone else seemed so used to it, even the Greenie before her, Brandon. It was natural to them, and Grace wanted that. "Okay, okay. I'm trying."

Newt pulled his hand away, eyeing the small bandage. "Thanks, She-Bean."

"Yeah, yeah," Grace waved him off. "Go back to planting tomatoes."

Newt chuckled and stood up, "see you at dinner?"

"Yeah," they always sat together. "See you then."


Grace sat next to Newt at one of the tables. The other Gladers who had their dinner were at their own tables. From what Grace had gathered, most of them hung around the people they worked with. Slicers sat with other Slicers. Builders sat with the other Builders. It made sense. They hung around their friends, and your friends are who you spend the most time with.

On Grace's other side was Jeff, and across from him was Clint. The people she worked with. Sitting next to Clint was Zart, the Keeper of the Track-Hoes. He worked alongside Newt, but Newt sat with her. They had started an unlikely friendship because he was the one who jumped in the box that day. Typically it was Gally, but not that day. Grace was grateful for that. She liked Newt. They were really good friends.

"This tastes like wet socks," Jeff muttered taking a sip of his soup.

"Have a lot of experience in eating wet socks, do you, Jeff?" The grin on Clint's face was bright. Jeff paused to glare at him, not finding his words amusing.

"I will throw this at you."

Newt sighed, "and you'll be thrown in the Pit for it."

Jeff debated his next movements, "will there be food?"


"Shuck." Any thoughts about tossing his bowl at Clint were long gone.

Grace couldn't help but laugh at their interaction. Since meeting Clint and Jeff, their conversations have never failed to make her laugh. "Newt," she looked at him. "How's your hand?"

"Bloody amazing thanks to you." He winked at her.

Zart raised an eyebrow, "whys that?"

"I was She-Beans first patient."

That caused him to laugh, "surprised your hands still intact."

"Hey," Grace called out at him.

"I'm kidding," Zart put his hands up in mock surrender.

"Hey," a new voice said. The group looked to their right to see a dirty blond-haired boy. Grace had seen his face before. He was a Runner. But she wasn't sure of his name.

"Ben, hey," Newt greeted him. Grace made sure to remember his name. Ben. "Are you joining us?"

"Yeah," he squeezed in between Zart and Clint. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Grace's first day on her own." Jeff placed a hand on her shoulder. "She's a fully trained Med-Jack now."

"Congratulations," he smiled at her. "I don't think we've met. I'm Ben." She knew a lot of the people in the Glade. Most were eager to meet the only girl. However, the Runners were a different story. They weren't in the Glade as much. To busy running in the Maze and then mapping out what they found. She usually only saw them at night when they ate, but they always sat together. They hardly spoke to her, and she was partly convinced they were so wrapped up in figuring out the maze they didn't even realize she was there.

"I'm Grace."

"I know," he smirked. She nervously glanced at Newt, but his relaxed posture caused her to relax. In all honesty, the Runners somewhat frightened her, but she wasn't sure why.

"I was her first patient today," Newt spoke up. "And she did wonderfully."

"Because your injury was a paper cut," Grace explained to Ben. "I couldn't have possibly messed it up."

"You could have," Zart shrugged.

"Thanks, Zart," she said sarcastically.

Newt chuckled, but Ben changed the topic swiftly. "How do you like the Glade so far?"

Grace blinked a few times, "it's fine."

Meanwhile, Jeff glanced at Clint, who merely rolled his eyes. In the start, everyone was interested in Grace. She was the first female they ever remembered seeing. But the longer she was there, the more the people saw her as just another Glader. That included Jeff and Clint, her closest friends. "Good," Ben seemed confident in himself. "And everyone's treating you well?"

The blonde girl never had a chance to respond. Clint beat her to it. "As well as other Greenie's. No special treatment for the She-Bean. Alby's orders."

"She-Bean," he raised an eyebrow.

"Newt came up with it," Grace sighed. "And it stuck after that." Now everyone around referred to her by the stupid nickname. Taking a bite of her soup, she realized it was gone already. By now, everyone had finished, other than Ben. He didn't have any food to begin with. As Newt grabbed his bowl and stood up, Grace held hers. "Will you bring mine with yours?"

Newt huffed, "I thought we established no special treatment?"

"Please," Grace dragged out the words.

"Fine." With that, he grabbed her bowl. Clint stood up also, grabbing Jeff's. Zart got up, sipping the remains of his soup and stumbling after them.

"So," Grace focused on Ben. Since her arrival, Alby had left out a few things. The Maze was one of them. It was still a mystery to her. She tried not to ask too many questions, fearing she would annoy the others. As the only girl in the Glade, fitting in was a challenge on its own. "You're a Runner, right?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "I am."

"What's that like?"


She laughed at his words causing him to smile. "I can image that."

"But I like to th-"

"Hey," Newt interrupted them. "Want to head back to the Homestead with me?"

"Oh, yeah," Grace pushed away from the table. "Nice meeting you, Ben. I'll see you around."

"Yeah," his shoulders fell. "Bye."

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