chapter 5: the line of business

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After defeating the kaiju girls, they where all dumbfounded by hodorahs power

Goji, ghidorah, and mothra were impressed by his display and wish to know more about him

Caesar, anguirus and rodan  were mainly concerned

How did he get this powerful?

Who is he truly?

What does he plan to do?

So many questions, yet godorah was about to answer some of them anyways

Ghidorah stood up, cleaned her wounds and walked over to godorah who was meditating

Ghidorah: okay then, since we got THAT ass whooping out of the way, how about we go to my ship?

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Ghidorah: okay then, since we got THAT ass whooping out of the way, how about we go to my ship?

Godorah: (no response)

Ghidorah: uummm, hello?


Ghidorah: hey godorah wake up

She put her hand on his shoulder

He clearly wasn't pleased by this as he grabbed her arm and flipped her over his shoulder

He clearly wasn't pleased by this as he grabbed her arm and flipped her over his shoulder

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Ghidorah: (coughs blood)

Godorah: dont interrupt me when I'm meditating........

Ghidorah: g-got it...

She weakly spoke as she picked herself up off the floor, everyone was snickering amongst themselves, loving the sight of ghidorah getting bodied

Godorah: now what was you trying to say?

Ghidorah: I wanted to know if you wanted to see my ship now?

Godorah: *sigh*, sure, fine

Ghidorah: great!

intergalactic mercenaries (a kaiju girls, dbz etc crossover story) Where stories live. Discover now