I hear him groan. "FRIDAY TIME" I yell.

"Two more minutes Ms. Garcia" Fuck..I won't be able to sow him up completely or get to the bullet.

"Steve, I hate to ask you this but..you are going to have to sit on James and hold him in place while I finish, someone get Vision to help out"

Steve reluctantly does what I say just in time for James to start thrashing. "Bruce are you done with Pietro?"

"Yea what you need?" He sounded out of breath and nervous.

"You are doing great doc okay..I need you to get his bullet out while I finish sowing him up" He nods. He whispers sorry then digs in James's thigh to get the bullet. James let's out the most horrible scream I have ever heard. "James you got this! Think about it. The old days, the ladies would be all over you for a scar like this one. Doesn't that make you happy?"

He groans holding back another scream "No" he manages to let out.

"Why not? Scars are sexy..."

"Time is up" FRIDAY states

"Yea no shit..." I finally start sowing up the skin layer after double checking everything inside his leg was fine.

"Because.." He mumbles through painful groans "You will never be mine" I pause for a second. The whole room seemed to stop what they were doing at his words. I see Steve look back over his shoulder at me. I shake my head.

"That uh.... morphine must have been something good huh. Alright Bruce you good to sow him up over there? I got a few more stitches." He nods grabbing a kit to start working. "Steve I think he's over the hump you can let him go now. You too Vision." Steve gets off James and Vision steps back cautiously.

When I do the last stitch, I check his wound over to make sure it was alright. I could already see healing on the edges...good. I take my gloves off and switch to new ones. I head up to check his face he was almost unconscious. "FRIDAY vitals please"

"His temperature is 102.6, heart rate is beginning to settle at a steady rate, initial scans show no infections or permanent damage. His healing has begun to work rapidly" I let out a big sigh

"Well James, you will survive..for now, I doubt anyone will let go you scaring them half to death, especially Steve"


"No don't talk, just sleep. Your rapid healing is starting to kick in. Don't move either or I'll sedate you." I warn him seeing he was already moving around. I turn to Steve giving him a smile.

"If you want to stay to keep an eye on him you can, everyone else has to leave, he needs rest"

I walk over to Pietro to make sure his stitches were good. "Same rules as before Pietro" He nods at me looking at James

"He saved my life. I didn't see the bullet, he was shot because of me" He looked down to the floor feeling sorry for himself.

"Hey, everyone here would do the same for anyone else, you are a damn Avenger, act like it, suck it up and walk it off" He nods again walking towards Wanda who was now by the door horrified. "Alright everyone out. Me and Bruce gotta clean and a cry baby super soldier has to sleep. SO shoo, out" I push everyone out turning around to clean the mess I made around the cot. I grab some blankets and cover James with it seeing his temperature starting to drop.

"What he said..." Steve began as soon as James was asleep.

"He was on drugs, he didn't know what he was saying Steve" I take off all my surgical clothes and toss it in the medical bin. Bruce and Tony grabbed the surgical equipment to get them cleaned and sterilized. 

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