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It had been pure torture for Charlotte all week as she watched Alastair prance around her house with the hickey covering his neck and while it had faded it seemed to be the first thing Charlotte's eyes flew to every time he pair came in contact.

Jealousy was ugly and Charlotte was burning in it.

The thought of someone else having their hands on him never mind their lips irked her and left her feeling insecure. Why would he kiss her if he had feelings for someone else? Was she not good enough?

Charlotte refused to let her thoughts get the better of her if he wanted to go out and enjoy himself that was fine, who was Charlotte to stop him, though if he was able to go out and enjoy himself why couldn't Charlotte in the comforts of her own home.

"I just need to use the printer, mine's broken." Charlotte announced as she entered what had previously been an un-used office in her house.

Alastair looked up from his laptop giving a nod going straight back to his work.

Charlotte was slightly disappointed that his eye's hadn't lingered like they had on previous occasions.

Connecting her laptop to her printer she began to download the documents she needed printed.

"Would you mind bringing these over to me when there finished, I have a meeting starting soon?"

Alastair gave Charlotte a nod stopping her before she could fully leave the room.

"Are you going to change before your meeting?"

Charlotte smirked dropping it before she turned to him, a look of confusion on her face.

"Why would I change? I can't see anything wrong with what I have on."

Alastair glared not giving Charlotte an answer.

When Charlotte realized she would not be receiving an answer any time soon she turned leaving the room.

Charlotte was regretting not changing as even through the screen she could see the man in front of her's gaze flickering down to her chest.

The man looked to be somewhere around Alatair's age and was rather good looking but Charlotte hadn't decided to wear the outfit to impress him, it was only to get a reaction out of Alastair.

"And if our companies were to-"

The man continued to drone on not noticing that he had lost Charlotte's attention to the man standing in her doorway.

Alastair had a vicious glare on his face as he looked from Charlotte's chest which was exposed from her low cut shirt to the computer sitting in front of her and then back to a pile of papers he was holding.

Charlotte knew from the look on his face that he had found the photo.

Alastair took slow steps over to Charlotte's desk until he was standing right in front of her.

He took the top page from the pile and then dropped the rest on to her desk without much care.

Alastair folded the paper shoving it into his back pocket and without a single word left the room.

"Ms Hendrix are you still there?"

Charlotte tried her best not to roll her eye's as she looked back down to the man on the screen plastering a large fake smile on her face.

"You actually went into the shop?" Oliver asked again in disbelief.

Charlotte gave her brother, who was sitting on the couch across from her a large smile.

A large grin spread across Oliver's face to match Charlotte's. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For trying."

Hearing how relieved her brother sounded Charlotte couldn't help but question how bad she had been before.

"How is everything going with Dr Cromwell?"

"What?" The question was simple but Charlotte's mind had gone straight to the kiss they had shred and not the fact that he was in fact her psychologist.

Oliver gave her a confused look. "Dr Cromwell? The man who's been living with you for over a month?"

Charlotte forced herself to laugh.

"Yeah it's going really well, he's helping me a lot."

Charlotte wished he would help her in other ways.

"He better be considering how much he's being payed." Oliver grumbled to himself.

"Why do you have so much fruit?" Lucas called as he entered the sitting room glaring at an apple he was holding.

Charlotte sighed, she missed having a fridge full of chocolate. "Ala- Dr Cromwell insists that a health mind starts with a healthy body and he won't buy me any chocolate."

"That doesn't mean we should have to eat you disgusting healthy shit when we come to visit." Lucas fretted sitting down beside his fiancee.

"You could just eat at your own house?" Charlotte suggested.

"We have no food." Lucas complained.

"And who's fault is that?" Oliver questioned.

"You said you would go shopping this week."

Charlotte laughed as the two got in a heated discussion about who was meant to shop.

Charlotte didn't fail to notice the figure walking past the door as she quietly got up to follow behind him.

Alastair was lent against the island waiting for Charlotte, the paper un-folded and in his hand.

"What's this?" Alastair glowered


Charlotte went to walk around Alastair but was pulled by her wrist straight in to his chest.

"You listen to me and you listen to me good Charlotte, stop with the teasing, stop with the short clothes and for god's sake stop wearing that bloody tank top."

Charlotte was trying not to show how flushed she was by being so close to him.

She couldn't give up.

Charlotte pulled her wrist from his grip taking a step back, the hickey coming into her sight.

"I don't know what your talking about and I can wear whatever I want in my own home."

With that Charlotte turned leaving the room.

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