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The confusion Charlotte felt as she heard the door of the room next to her slam was indescribable.

She was meant to be mad at him, why was he going around slamming doors like she had mysteriously showed up in his room gotten him all worked and then left without following through.

Charlotte didn't know what she was more mad at weather it be what had happened earlier, his actions after coming into her room unannounced or the fact he had left her there alone after such acts and then gone into the room beside hers leaving her with no way to relieve herself.

Charlotte couldn't just stand around questioning what had just happened,she needed to do something.

Food, that's what she would do.

Charlotte took her time walking past Alastair's room making sure to make her presence known with overly exaggerated footsteps, if he wanted to come out and finish what he tarted she had no problems with it.

Unfortunate to Charlotte though Alastair did not attempt to to stop her and she made her way to the kitchen without being interrupted.

Charlotte took her frustrations out on her cabinet's making it loud and clear to Alastair how she was feeling.

Charlotte soon stopped her rather childish antics though after nearly dropping her sandwich on the floor, something she didn't think she could handle after the day she had.

Sitting at the island with her cheese toastie Charlotte's mind wandered, what if Alastair hadn't stormed off, would things have gone further, would Charlotte have let him?

She already knew the answer to that. Of course she would have, after hearing the words my pretty girl from his lips once again Charlotte would have done just about anything to hear his praise.

Washing off her plate Charlotte sighed, she had nothing to do a common thing for her. At the end of the day when she had finished work she often found herself bored. She had no friends that she could call and no where she could go, both problems tied closely and sourced by the same thing, that being her own issues.

Charlotte concluded that even though she wasn't tire it was late enough to be an acceptable time to go to bed, tracking back up the stairs.

This time Charlotte didn't stomp her feet, quietly making her way through the hall.

What Charlotte did do though was stop just before her door.

Retracing her steps Charlotte walked until she stood right outside Alastair's door and sure enough there it was again, the sound of subtle grunts coming from Alastair's room. Charlotte was ashamed to admit how quick she was to press her ear to the door, trying to hear better.

Sure enough ever so often there it was again the faint slip of a grunt or groan.

Charlotte felt a sense of pride knowing she could get him that worked up, it was her own personal win, the overall goal though of whatever game she was starting though was unknown to her.

The noise had gotten quieter and Charlotte was immediately disappointed, it couldn't be over, there had to be more, why couldn't the door's be thinner.

Trying to hear more Charlotte tried to move closer to the door, freezing as she accidentally pushed against the handle, the handle pushing down the snapping back up into place a loud noise echoing down the hall after it through the silence.

It seemed all movement throughout the house had come to a stop as Charlotte debated her options.

She could either stay here in hopes he hadn't heard the sound and would continue or she could run to her room and act like she hadn't been listening to him masturbate.

Charlotte didn't have time to decide as shuffling from inside the room became obvious. Before Charlotte had the chance to run the door was flung open and an extremely angry looking Alastair was looking down at her.

Charlotte took a step back only for Alastair to consume the space she left. Each step she took away was a step he took closer.

Charlotte had soon walked herself back into the wall yet Alastair didn't seem to care for space.

Charlotte's face was turned to the side, Alastair's directly in front of her.

Charlotte went to raise her hands not quite sure what she was going to do with them but her wrists were quickly taken into Alastair's hand held firmly in place.

Clasping her cheeks between his fingers in a tight grip Alastair turned Charlotte's face until she was forced to look at him. "You weren't so shy when you were listening in on me, where you darling?"

He was so close to her Charlotte could barely think, his breath was mingling with hers and he didn't seem like he would be backing away any time soon. His fingers tightened even more around her cheeks. "Answer me." He ordered.

"I'm sorry." Charlotte whimpered out.

She wasn't.

"Sorry?" Alastair paused for a minute.

"No, I don't think you are, are you?" His condescending tone was clear.

Alastair began to maneuver his thigh so Charlotte's legs were spread apart around his leg, the pressure tight against her clit. "You want to know what I was thinking about?"

Charlotte nodded receiving a chuckle from Alastair.

"Of course you do, I won't with hold it from you though. I was thinking about you and how pretty you would look on you knee's for me or maybe I would take you across my thigh and turn that pretty little ass of yours red, and you want to know my personal favorite? Ill tell you anyways" He continued.

"My favorite little fantasy is having you tied up all pretty for me, just right for me to use you, but you would like that wouldn't you, it would get you all worked up waiting just like how it did when you were listening."

Charlotte didn't know when her hips had stated to buck or when she had stared to move against Alastairs thigh but it didn't take him long to notice. "Wouldn't you look at that, so needy."

"Please." Charlotte whined.

Alastair let out a throaty laugh but didn't hold back as his lips came crashing down against hers in a searing kiss.

Their lips molded together in a fiery embrace, all teeth and tongue and Charlotte found herself nearly struggling to keep up with him. Alastair had immediately taken control over the kiss and wasn't even trying to slow down to a pace Charlotte could manage.

Puling away Alastair took Charlotte's bottom lip in between his teeth and pulled letting it spring back to place.

Charlotte didn't look away as he scanned her face.

His hands came around to stop her hips from moving Charlotte trying her best not to snap at him, she had a feeling she knew what was about to happen as he removed his leg from between her own and helped steady her on the floor.

Alastair took a step back scanning Charlotte's face one last time before turning, taking long strides to his door, slamming it behind him.

As Charlotte lent against the wall for support panting she had a feeling her being left confused and frustrated was something she was going to have to get use to weather she liked it or not.

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