Chapter 23: Downfalls of drinking

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6th August 1999
Potter Manor - Barnstone, Nottinghamshire

Hermione stumbled out of the floo into Potter Manor's kitchen, already late to get ready for Ginny's birthday night out. She'd left training early, and she knew she'd be in for hell catching up next week - her exams for her Potions Mastery were coming at the end of August after all - but this was Ginny's eighteenth birthday celebration and they were going into Muggle London, now that Ginny was legal there too, to celebrate.

She hurried upstairs to join her friends - who she could hear chatting loudly and laughing in what sounded like Tonks and Remus' suite. When she pushed open the door she found Ginny lying on the bed, head hanging off the side, her long red hair cascading to curl against the floor, she was only wearing a very risque bra and knickers set. Luna and Tonks both looked a little more sober than the birthday girl (whose birthday had actually been five days ago), and were currently standing, also only in bras and knickers, in front of Tonks' wardrobe flicking through for something for Tonks to wear.

Hermione stared in rather horrified fascination at the ensemble that was clearly Luna's sitting off to the side - a garishly orange pair of what she thought might be latex short shorts, a bright blue crop top, and sparkly silver heels. "Do we all have to dress so scantily?" She asked, laughing when they all jumped in surprise - Ginny with a yelp and a bang as she slid onto the floor.

"Yes!" Ginny crowed, jumping to her feet and ignoring what was definitely going to be spectacular bruising come morning. "I've got your outfit picked out already 'Minny!" Ginny shouted, as always unable to control her volume when properly drunk.

"Oh dear Merlin, please don't ever call me Minny again." Hermione pleaded, following a tottering Ginny towards an outfit laid out on the bed that she hadn't noticed before. She stared wide-eyed down at the burnished gold dress with both intrigue and horror, "No way am I wearing that." She exclaimed, not even wanting to think about how exposed she'd be in the dress - it had a scoop neck that would almost reach her navel when she put it on she was sure, and thin spaghetti straps, and the rest of it looked like it would hug her curves and the skirt would almost definitely (knowing Ginny) not go much further than just past her arse.

"Oh yes you are!" Tonks and Ginny chorused as one. They sent each other smug conspiratorial looks. "Or," Ginny threatened much too soberly, "I'll start calling you Minny everywhere and you know the boys will all pick up on it."

Hermione grimaced, recognising the truth of the statement, and stared back down at the dress. "I'm going to be showing everything." She groaned, horrified.

"With a few good sticking charms nothing'll fall out." Tonks soothed, very unsoothingly. She also waved a pair of golden stilettos at Hermione with a cheeky grin.

"Urgh, fine!" Hermione finally exclaimed upon having all three of her friends turn pleading eyes on her. "What are you wearing, Gin?" She asked to try and take the attention off her.

Ginny grinned and picked up a pair of dark purple leather trousers that would hug all of Ginny's body and hide nothing, and a black top that was basically half of a bikini. Hermione's eyes widened and she knew there was no getting out of wearing the dress her friends had picked out for her - not that she was too upset about it.

"Are you going to see Blaise later, Hermione." Luna asked serenely, "I think he'd like the dress." Hermione choked a little on nothing, letting out a short laugh - Luna wasn't wrong.

"I might do, yeah."

"I'm going to see Pansy later." Ginny said and waggled her eyebrows with a giggle. "You should change into these, 'Mione." She said holding out a pair of sheer knickers and bra that left little to the imagination. Hermione's eyes widened, but she sighed and accepted them with a nod.

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