Chapter 14: Mistakes were made

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1st March 1999
Potter Manor - Barnstone, Nottinghamshire

Sirius was the first through the floo that morning, stumbling into the empty kitchen of Potter Manor. Hermione and Harry were both already away at their respective training. He turned back to the floo and started grabbing the shrunk down boxes being shoved through. Soon he had a large stack built up beneath and on top of the large kitchen table, and no more boxes came through, so he headed to the kettle - magically enhanced so that the electricity could work - to start boiling some water for tea.

"Pads, you're here early!" James exclaimed, walking into the room half dressed with his dressing gown thrown over a pair of boxers.

Sirius looked James up and down, and raised an eyebrow, "Yeah bloody Remus and Tonks decided moving early would be a great idea." He scoffed. "Remus took the day off from Hogwarts just to do this, and he still gets up bloody early!"

James laughed, "Well, the sanctuary does open tomorrow, Pads." He gratefully accepted the cup of tea Sirius poured him, adding sugar and a splash of milk after he sipped it and grimaced. "You're a barbarian." He told Sirius, who just barked a laugh.

Sirius took his own cup, coffee not tea, black and unsweetened, over to the table, sitting down and kicking his feet up on the corner of the table, "Does Hermione know you walk around the house like that when she's not here?" He asked with a grin.

"She knows as much about it as she does about your feet on the table." James said around a bite of an apple he'd snatched from the bowl on the counter, "That woman is bloody scary, I'm not incurring her wrath."

"Which woman is that, Prongs?" Remus asked, stepping through the floo with Teddy cradled in his arms, a bag slung over each shoulder. Tonks stepped through after him, her neon green hair covered in soot.

"Hermione." Sirius butted in when James took too long to answer.

"She is rather brilliant." Remus replied, setting Teddy down into the high chair already at the table, and dropping the bags to the floor.

"That's everything," Tonks said. She waved her wand in a complex series of patterns over the fireplace, shutting off the floo to Black Manor now that they weren't going to be living there anymore.

"How did the renovations go?" James asked, finishing off his tea, and rising to get started on making some food. "Anyone want some?" He asked as he peered into the cooling cabinet at the food available.

"Yes, please. None of us have eaten yet." Remus pushed Sirius' feet off the table and took the seat next to him, accioing the kettle and a couple of cups for him and Tonks. "And good, they finished yesterday. The wards are all up now and the potions room is fully stocked and ready to go. Did Flissy get over there okay?"

James chuckled, cracking four eggs into one pan, whilst he directed the bread to slice and toast itself. "Yeah, she was bloody pissed about leaving us, but she agreed. Hermione's happy."

"I bet." Sirius snorted, throwing back the last of his bitter coffee. "She's always been sensitive to House-elf issues. The first of the werewolves are moving in tomorrow."

"How many have you got living there permanently?" James started plating up the food, looking over at Remus and Tonks and pointing questioningly at Teddy. Tonks shook her head.

"Five, so far." Remus answered, getting up to carry a couple of the plates to the table even if James could have just magic-ed them over. "I think most are wary. We've got a lot more down to come on the night of the full moon, and even more to collect wolfsbane."

A Force of Magic [HP Jamione fanfic]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant