Chapter 2

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''Let's get a divorce, Your Majesty''

Probably those words were so unexpected that he couldn't even imagine it. As if proving that fact, his arrogant and confident eyes became wide open with surprise.


There was a crack in his handsome face, barely touching his lips it did not reach his eyes. ''What do you mean Robelia? Remember who you are in front of, the Emperor is not a person you should jest with,''

It must have been unthinkable for Robelia who was obsessed with him to ask for a divorce.

I replied coldly attitude as if sticking a knife into his narcissistic ego. ''It is not a lie, Your Majesty. I have been thinking about this for a long time, but I have concluded that the position of the nation's mother and His Majesty's partner is too much for me. It had been thought over many times, please understand with generosity,''

''No, even so, all of a sudden? What are you talking about Robelia? Haven't you been performing your duties perfectly as the national mother for three years?''

''I am afraid that this body lacking and is not suitable for the position of Empress,'' In the earnestness of my attitude, the Emperor slowly realized I was not joking or making false statements. 

His perfect lips grew wider, in the end, he acted the same way as I predicted.

''Have I ever made you sad? I apologize for not looking after you in the past two weeks, but that was not under my will, I have been busy with the Trojan invasion problem. I will come to find you and make sure to never be a lacking companion,'' 

These are words to soothe me. In other words, they are carrots, I can't trust him no matter what. It was natural since I read the novel and knew his exact thoughts towards Robelia. I still remember the miserable death she faced while he did nothing but be cold towards her.

I pressed down Robelia's emotions bulging up and tried expressing as politely as possible but firmly. 

''You will be sure to find a much better woman to succeed the position of Empress than I am, or it would even be okay for the Queen to succeed it.''

Perhaps it was because I mentioned Aisha, the Emperor's face felt as if he had realized something.

''Don't worry much about the Queen, Robelia. She was accepted here because of her diplomacy with the Holy Father but she has no other intentions. And even my ancestors had two wives for diplomatic reasons.''

He probably thought I was jealous of the Queen and tried to reassure me.

''Moreover, the Queen hasn't even been here for less than half a year. It's a big crown and a large weight to bear of the place of Empress. So Robelia, don't worry about the Queen's existence,''

It was an absurd illusion, I don't care about both Alexander and Aisha, they can do whatever they want.

I smirked at him, ''I am not conscious of Queen Aisha. I just asked Your Majesty for a divorce because I think I am not fit for the Empress position, so please allow me to withdraw,''

''Are you sure you mean that? What is the Duke of Blanchette planning?''

The Blanchette Duchy, he was referring to Robelia's family. The Blanchette Duchy was one of the biggest contributors of the Empire and once a prestigious family who boasted that they were one of the most faithful vassals of the Imperial family. However, the Imperial family had lost faith in the Blanchette Duchy for hundreds of years and now it's a name of nothing. 

So, as a last resort, the Duke pushed his eldest daughter, Robelia, to become Empress. It was not stated how he made the deal with the Imperial family to win the Empress position, but seeing that this marriage was the Blanchette Duchy's last resort it must have been very important to pull up the crumbling Dukedom.

And it was obvious that the biggest opposition of this divorce would come from the Blanchettes since they would lose a lot from this expensive deal, the Emperor must be talking about this situation.

What's it to me? I have no intention to give affection to Robelia's family who abandoned her and let her die in a cold room all alone. To think they sold their daughter to a dumpster only thinking of her as a tool for a political transaction.

''I understand that under the Imperial law, the divorce process between the Empress and Emperor is pretty easy, you only need two witnesses and an attorney. Correct me if my knowledge is wrong,'' My visit to the Imperial library and reading the Imperial code paid off.

I look at his face, hiding my expressions but boldly showing my intentions. Alexander was going to die of shock because of this surprise.

''That's...because in the history of the Empire there have been very few divorces between Emperor and Empress...I don't know what's going on, I never thought you would want a divorce like this,'' he sighed cutting off my request firmly.

''I can't do it anyways, such a sudden request for divorce is unacceptable. The position of Empress is not a role that you can easily quit and then hand it over to someone else because you don't like being the wife of the lord,''

So it ends like this.

Well, this is expected as he is not just any man but the Emperor. Even if I was the Empress, I could not go against his words.

However, this was also an expected response to some extent. Rather, it would have been even more surprising to me if he had said he would divorce easily.

''I don't know what the hell you're thinking, but let's put this on hold for a while. If there's anything you want from me, I'll listen. You can do anything you want. But there's going to be no divorce.''

''You can do anything... is that a word from your Majesty's heart?'' I asked him, hiding a sneaky laugh inside. The Emperor nodded his head.

''As the person in charge of the Empire, how can I lie to the Empress?''

''Do you mean that I may do anything as Empress, but just not a divorce?''

''What's the point of repeating? Yes.''

Although I didn't achieve my biggest goal, this was enough. How can I be full with a spoonful of rice? This was a faithful harvest. 

I got what I wanted, so I decided to back down. I told him I understood and said goodbye.

''Glory to the sun that never sets.''

I stepped out of his office. While I was walking out the door, new plans were popping up in my head.

If you don't want a divorce, I can get a divorce. But I ended up meeting an unexpected person outside the office.

Long black hair and black eyes. The appearance and color of the skin are too familiar, good and pure eyes with a small body. It was Aisha, the heroine of 'Flower from this world'

Aisha was probably outside the office waiting for a meeting with Alexander.

Probably, she came without an appointment.

No matter how ill-mannered the concubine was, she came to the Emperor without an appointment and even considering that she was a dimensional mover, it was a very unprecedented act!

However, receiving the protection of the holy country and favor of the Emperor, she seemed to be revered as a pure and free spirit.

I didn't have much interest in her and had nothing to say, so I tried to pass without engaging with her.

But it was on her side that spoke to me first.

''It's been a while, Robelia! Nice to meet you in a place like this.''

I wasn't very pleased. First of all, the concubine is lower than the Empress, but what with this manners?

Just as the Emperor had a dedicated greeting, the Empress had a set greeting.

However, omitting all of those things, and saying that it is an overly flawless greeting as if meeting the elder sister next door. Even if Alexander were to get upset I will not let this go.

Aisha may not know anything yet because she is a bright, pure, and a person from another dimension, but I thought that might not be all that.

Among her lines that I read in the original book, I remember that Aisha formally greeted people in positions other than Alexander. Since she became a royal concubine, she must have been receiving etiquette education all the time.

In other words, it's not that she didn't do it because she didn't know how to be polite to the Empress.

Thinking so made me feel even more sorry for Robelia. She is the Empress, who is ignored even by the concubine.

''Yes, the concubine is here somehow.''

''I'm here to see His Majesty. I used to go to bed first, but he said he was still here. Hahaha.''

Oh, go ahead. Since you are already in and out of the Emperor's bed, why should I care? Her words were so proud that it was embarrassing to even hear them. But it wasn't my business, so I decided to just leave

''I see. I have a business to attend to.''

''Oh, wait a minute!'' She caught me suddenly.

''What is it?''

 I've always wanted to say that. I'm one of the few women in the Imperial family. So let's get along with each other! We can talk about our worries with each other... secret stories among women, you know!'' Aisha said with a stupid smile.

''In that sense, be honest. Is that just a new way to get attention from His Majesty the Emperor?''

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