Chapter 4: It's Gonna Take Links

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Link's boots brushed against the old, scratched tiles in the Boss Chamber. A black mirror was centred in the circular room, and standing in front of it was a person unidentified from the back.

"Ye with dark souls," he yelled, "be reborn!" Black smoke leaked from the mirror like steam from a witch's cauldron and ugly creatures spilled from it. Their bodies took form on the other side of the mirror. They were the same monsters he saw outside, only it felt different seeing them up close. They mindlessly pushed one another as they fought their way to the door that Link stood by. He dove to the side before being crushed by them. The person turned when he heard Link rolling over and revealing his presence.

"Who's there? Ahh, a little whippersnapper trying to sneak up on me. If you've come to join my side, sign the contract. If not, go away." His sentences came out almost all in one breath. It was awkward for Link to register what he said and what he looked like at the same time. He had to take a moment to observe the person..or creature..that stood so low to the floor.

By his attire he was a wizard who wore a long, navy cloak that had curved shoulder blades, resembling horns. His red undergarment covered a big belly, which caused his arms to stick up and bounce every time he made a movement. As to how he could see Link, he didn't know. His small eyes, which seemed to be closed, were hidden behind large cheeks that looked as if they were stuffed with fruit. Fangs hung out of his lipless mouth, and his skin was an off-white, maybe violet. Link wasn't sure if he was human at all, demon would be more accurate.

"Well, speak at least!" he squealed.

Link jumped from his thoughts, realising he had been staring for far too long. "I've come to order you to leave." He lacked authority in his voice, still distracted by this strange creature demon..wizard...thing.

The fat wizard silently stared then shrieked in laughter. "Not likely, boy. You see, I am Vorgah, the most powerful wizard of all times, and I have come to claim Hyrule mine and rule all the world!" he finished with another laugh.

Link stood there, feeling like he was missing something. "Hyrule?" he repeated slowly.

Vorgah stopped laughing and mumbled to himself. "Ah, well, it hasn't been established yet. That's why I am here. To destroy it..from its roots!" he raised his voice. "To stop it from ever being established, and in its place there shall be my kingdom!"

"Okay..." Link had no clue what the wizard was talking about. He opened his mouth and carefully said, "Here's a thought. Why don't you settle this with the King of so-called Hyrule and maybe leave this realm alone because you're in the wrong place, and you've just created havoc for no reason."

Vorgah stared blankly at Link with his short arms standing up. "Or," he announced suddenly. "I can drag your dead body out of here!"

Link pulled his sword from its sheath without a second's thought. He started to step forward as he switched to a sober expression, eyes glaring. "I like that option better, only, I'll be the one dragging a dead body out of here."

The wizard giggled evilly. "Should I be intimidated?"

Enough had been conversed and the opponents grew quiet as well as serious. The wizard moved first. From inside his large sleeve he pulled out a lightning bolt and gave no warning as he threw it like a javelin at Link. He placed his shield up with fast reflex, but it didn't save him from the electricity. The zapping stung his body and left him momentarily petrified. His brain became jelly and unable to help himself. He plopped to his knees when it passed and started breathing normal again.

Vorgah laughed. "Did you forget that you're touching metal, soldier? Or do you only wear gear for appearances?"

Link hated to admit that his enemy was right and had already outwitted him when their fight had just begun. He didn't, however, want to make him believe he was the better fighter and had a chance on beating him. He threw him a scowl as he silently rose then discarded his shield, seeing he won't be needing it against a lightning wielder. He fell into a trot then charged straight ahead with a yell ripping through his throat. His sword whipped the open air. Vorgah was gone. He spun around to see him standing on the other side of the room. More lightning bolts came his way and as quickly as lightning comes. He ran, dodging them all. He felt the voltaic energy zapping past his hair, but he was never electrocuted. After what felt like hundreds of them, they stopped coming, and Link used that brief moment to observe the cracks in the walls and all the broken stone lying around the room. Within minutes the chamber is half destroyed.

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