I walked upstairs and it looked different from last time...bigger.

"Yeah...since they moved in we kind of had some renovations done," Carter shrugged and sat on his bed.

I sat next to him and did what I was waiting to do most of tonight.

I kissed him lightly but passionately. He gasped from the unexpectedness. His little gasps were absolutely adorable, I couldn't get over them. He was adorable. I pushed him down onto the bed and hovered over him.

"Is this ok?" I checked.

He nodded breathlessly. I smirked and then went into kiss him again.

"Do you guys know how to shut a door?"

I shot up and fell off of his bed from the sudden voice. I looked at the doorway and saw Dean coming in.

"Sorry," I laughed.

He laughed lightly as well and came to sit down on the carpet.

"So, Dean. Are you with anyone?" I don't know where I was getting with this question but relationships, my relationship is all I think about these days.

He nodded.

"Yeah, I'm in a relationship with a girl in junior year. Astrid." He clarified her name.

Carter and I nodded along and hummed responses as he went into further detail about his relationship with this Astrid girl. She sounded not too bad. She sounded pretty nice if I had to be honest. He showed us a few pictures and stuff. Then we explained our relationship to him.

He said it sounded like something out of one of those twisted fairy tale sort of things, just without all the magic and unrealistic things. I did feel like I was in a fairy tale when I was with Carter. He thinks he lets off this negative energy that no one wants to be around, but I am working on making him realise that we do want him around. I know I do. Ruby thinks of him as a cute little kid, and Noah and Brodie are happy that I have someone I guess.

"So... do we want to watch like a movie or something? I'm down to watch something scary..." Dean questions.

I looked down at Carter who was nodding whilst smiling.



Martin: Hey dude

Me: Yeah?

Martin: Have you talked to him yet?

Me: No, Ezra hasn't left yet.

Martin: Geez

Me: Just calm down, it's not like Carter's going anywhere

Martin: Whatever

Me: I'll tell you when I have talked to him. Ok?

Martin: K. Thanks!

I closed down my phone and continued watching the movie. It wasn't an awful movie either, we hadn't chosen a horror movie, but it was a good movie. Avatar. I have always loved this movie, it was so cool but at the same time super weird. I also think the idea was pretty original, and that is why people like the movie so much. It's originality.

I had only known Carter for a few days, and I had only known Ezra for a few hours but they seemed like really cool people. I mean my mum had dated a few different people in her life time but this one seems different. Though...I say that every time but this time, this time I am hoping things are different. Especially because I actually have a nice step sibling. This father, Mike, I have heard a fair bit about him and how he treated Carter. I feel really bad for the boy, but his father seems to be trying to change.

My father however, he didn't change. I never got to know a good side of my father, he always seemed to be quite a grouchy man. He was no where near as bas as Mike was but he was still pretty cruel, especially when he was drunk.

"So, who are your friends Carter?"

I wanted to know this information because I needed a way to ease Martin into the conversation. I didn't care if Ezra was here anymore.

"Oh- I am friends with Ezra's friends," he answered.

I smiled with a nod.

"What about before them, sorry for being nosy," this was very awkward.

"It's ok, I get it. Ummm, I was friends with this guy Martin, actually some shit happened with him a little while ago..."

He talked for a little while and I listened. I was also surprised how much he swore. I mean he seemed too sweet to swear but then again his whole demeanour was confusing, he could be sweet one second and then the next he was all tough and slightly intimidating.

"Cool, yeah I know Martin, he goes to my school. We're actually pretty good friends, well for the fact I only met him a while ago," I said as occasionally as I possibly could.

"Ok, I give up. He knows we know each other. He wants to talk to you," I spilt the truth.

Carter looked taken aback and a bit worried. He looked at Ezra and they were giving each other some sort of sign that they could both understand.

"I don't know..." Carter finally said.

"You can have time to think about it." I made an attempt of comfort.

He nodded slightly then snuggled into Ezra's chest. I could tell Ezra was good for Carter. The boy was sweet but he definitely still seemed injured and have I mentioned that he is super skinny. I have a feeling someone should check that out.


"I think I am ready."

We were sitting in Carter's room just chilling and getting to know each other more I guess, it was cool having someone to hang out with a lot. It had been a week since the dinner with Ezra.

"Ready for what?"

"To talk to Martin," he laughed lightly.

"Ok...I can text him for you now if you want?" I offered.

It was sort of 10:30 pm on a school night but whatever. He nodded and I took out my phone.

Me: Hey dude

Martin: Hey

Me: I think he's ready to talk to you

Martin: Ok

Me: Sooo

Martin: Tell him to meet me at the park in around 10 minutes

Me: Ok

"He says to meet him at the park in 10. I can drive you?"

"Ok thanks!"

We headed towards my car and both got in. I was very hopeful for this. Martin wouldn't shut up about Carter, I mean he really missed him as a friend. What wend down between them sounded really bad and pretty hard to deal with.

We made it to the park and then Carter stepped out. I watched as he walked towards the lamp-lit park where I saw martin sitting on a swing.

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