Moody Summer

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Tranquility my sweet sound of nothing

The burning of the page

What else is smoking

A long drag of a cigarette 

The lightening of my hair

The steamy heat and sweat

Complaints all day long

Saying boy that heat is strong

Catch me, play catch with me

The flowers are wilted and its hard to breathe

Catch me, play catch with me

Nothing is easy nor pretty is heat

I swear to God the suns like a disease

Moody summer 

How I would feel when the sun is a bummer

Moody lover

How she would feel when the sun is above her

How would I feel when the sun is a bummer

Velcro shoes and crocs

We both agree, never with socks

Sunburns or a rash

Id grab some drinks but Im outta cash

Id grab your hand, but itd never last

Moody summer

How should I feel when Im just a bummer

Moody lover

How she would feel if I were to touch her

How would we feel if I were to touch her

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