Day one

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It was the first day of shooting appocolypes and I was very nervous. I know I shouldn't be nervous since this was my third major film and I was already a big name actress. I walked on to set and got right into hair and makeup. When I walked out I already saw Oscar Issac, my father, standing in front of me.

"Dad oh my gosh it's been so long."

"It has, how have you been Y/N/N?"

"It's going, how bout you?"

"Good your mother and I are having another child."

"Oh really that's great congrats. But 20 years after me? "

"Thanks, and yes because we wanted one for a while but didn't have the energy. Well I should go to makeup since I have to be turned blue."

"Oh yea, well I'll see you later."

We hugged each other before he walked off to his trailer. I walked to set to start filming my scene in the x-men mansion. When I got there I saw the rest of the cast. I saw Even Peters, my best friend, and almost tackled him in a hug.


"Oh jeez Y/N a warning next time would be nice."

"Sorry old man."

"What ever you say telepath."

I said hello to everyone but then I turned to someone I didn't reconize. He had short brown hair, soft greenish bluish eyes, and had on a simple button up shirt, bomber jacket, jeans and snickers.

"Hey I don't believe we met yet I'm Y/N I play jean."

"Oh, um, I'm tye sheridan and I play Scott Summers."

"Nice to met you, looks like we have some scenes together. So I'll see you a lot then."

"I guess you will, I can't wait to spend more time with a cutie like you."

I started to blush when my dad walked in. He saw what happened and in unison both my dad and Even said.

"Ew you two get a room."

Tye an I looked at them both then at each other and started laughing. When we finished the director came over to tell us we needed to started doing our scenes. Later on Even walked to me and started talking.

"So what do you think of new guy?"

"Who do you mean, Tye?"

"Who else am I talking about?"

"I think he's chill. Seems to be kind, sweet and funny. "

"Ooohh Y/N's got a crush."

Even sang before my dad walked over.

"Who has Y/N got a crush on?"


"Wow ok Y/N chill and she's got a crush on new boy Tye."

"Oh Y/N's got a crush on new boy!"

"Stop it you two and I don't have a crush on him."

"A crush on who?"

Just perfect, Tye walked in on the "PERFECT" time. Now they're going to tell him everything. But at least I don't actually have a crush on the guy. Right?

"No one!"

"No Y/N thats not what you told us."

"Yea you said you had a crush on...."

"Tadashi Humada from big hero 6 yea oh now I remember."

Tye looked at me confused as hell will Even and Oscar where rolling on the floor dying from laughing.


Then he just gave me a sympathetic smile and quick cheek kiss then walked off. I must of started blushing a lot since both my dad and Even said.

"Not a crush we see."

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