11. Years of subliminal messaging

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I love falling asleep. I love falling asleep when I'm  next to him.


The cry of an alarm wakes me up and I roll over, hitting it a bit harder than I should have, sitting up, looking to my side, seeing that Bellamy's no longer here. I furrow my eyebrows. Was that just a dream? All I know is that I'm disoriented as fuck.


I walk up to Bellamy, who's trying to pull a binder out of his bag, but it's attached to a loop. I untangle it and his head shoots up. I don't compliment him enough on his looks. I take a note to do so later on.

"Thanks- oh and sorry I kinda just left. I forgot my stuff and I didn't want to wake you." he says apologetically.

"So that wasn't just a dream then." I say a bit loudly, causing a few heads to turn. He laughs, shoving me in the direction of the art room. I don't think Kane minds whether I miss class or not. I'm almost guaranteed an A in this class- I am his favourite after all. I think it's because I'm the only one to ever do the homework and I'm the only one who can actually draw well.

I sniffle, running a hand under my nose. I can't be getting sick again, can I? I rub my eyes, looking down at my drawing of an apple. I hate drawing- I prefer painting. I like acrylics and I like the occasional watercolour, but drawing- in my opinion, is boring. I grab a red crayon to begin colouring it, in, when a red drop falls onto the page, creating a little splat at the center. It's a nice colour, but where is it coming from- shit. I place my hand under my nose, raising my hand.

"Yes, John?" Kane asks, waiting for a reply but I just sit here with a bleeding nose. If I open my mouth, all the blood fall in. He raises an eyebrow. I groan, pointing at my face with my free hand before he gets the hint. 

"Oh, yes- go." he says in a small urgency. Wow, that took him quite a while to understand. No wonder he's an art teacher. 

I push the bathroom door open, walking over to the sink where I remove my hand from my mouth. A pool of blood splatters into the sink and I look at my face, wincing. Without context, I could have just finished eating a raw animal. 

"Fuck," I mutter to myself, watching the color trickles out of my nostrils. Why the hell is it bleeding so much? I run the water, cleaning my mouth before gathering a bit of toilette paper. It just won't stop!

"Murphy, Kane wanted me to- shit..." Bellamy walks in. Yeah, I don't look my best right now. I have a bit of blood on my grey shirt and there's a bit of blood on the countertop.

"Yeah..." I mumble, watching a bit fall down my philtrum, I blink a few times, getting dizzy.

"You okay? You look kinda pale- well, paler than usual." he teases and I hold myself up on the sink, glaring at him.

"Hilarious and I'm fine, just tired." I mumble, rubbing my eyes. He opens the door.  

"Don't leave the bathroom." he advises. I sigh.

Bellamy P.o.v.

I jog over to the broken vending machine. Well, I wouldn't consider it "broken" I mean it still keeps things refrigerated, and you still need to pay, but I'm able to not pay for the stuff is what I'm trying to say. I unlock the lock in the back of it, keeping an eye out for the hall monitors. I grab an orange juice, closing the machine properly. 

I think learning how to pick locks has served me the most purpose out of everything I've learned so far. I shake it on my way back to the bathroom. He's hunched over, wiping his nose. It seems to have stopped. 

"Here, drink this." I advise, holding it out to him. He winces, taking a step back while shaking his head.

"What? Why not?" I ask.

Sorry | Murphamy AU | vol.1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz