Chapter 46 (First Time Together)

Start from the beginning

"Follow me, we need to go before the palace guards find us" Zhan Xian told Wangyi and unconsciously holding that small warm hand.

Wangyi was in a daze, although he is cheeky but he doesn't like dark, so the darkness makes him lost his sense of direction and also fear slightly creeping in and thus when he felt the big warm palm with those slender fingers curling into his, he finds his source of security and he tightens those slender fingers more by his pressing against it.

Zhan Xian felt a little trembling hands, just like a kitty little purr and he immediately pulls Wangyi and they dart in the dark and runs away from the palace.

"We need to find a inn to spend the night" Zhan Xian told Wangyi.

Now walking in the quiet street, where every household has already retire into the family, Zhan Xian told Wangyi as they walks

"How are we going to introduce ourselves?" Zhan Xian asks

"Huh?" Wangyi was a little lost

"What do you mean?" the little cute lion hasn't been out of the Cheng Tribes by himself and doesn't know that they need to register in the inn.

"I mean what is your relationship to me" Zhan Xian asks as he doesn't know what Wangyi wants

"Huh!, aren't we betrothed and suppose to marry soon" the shy Wangyi brushes a little

Zhan Xian stops in front of an inn. Zhan Xian swallow a big gulp of salvia

"Now, the outside Jianghu world is a dangerous place, with your face, it is even more dangerous, so we need to come up with some solutions" Zhan Xian told Wangyi

"How about I cover it?" Wangyi told Zhan Xian

"You did that the last time I meet you and you are just too attractive and people just wanted to see you, you are not only beautiful on the face, the whole of you is beautiful. We couldn't cover all of you, right" Zhan Xian told Wangyi without any teases, he is seriously worry about the cute lion.

"T-Then how, I am born like this and I didn't know it is such a disadvantage" Wangyi pouts and sulk at Zhan Xian with his arm around his chest.

"No, no, not a disadvantage, you are blessed to be beautiful, just have to think of a way to not attract those unwanted people" Zhan Xian still thinking and he really worries about Wangyi.

"Then what can I do?" Wangyi is now almost in tears. He has been praised beautiful almost daily and everyone that meet him, he never knows that this would be something that works against him,

"I need to protect you, so we have work out our relationship" Zhan Xian told Wangyi

"Em, just tell them I am your future spouse and they will back off right" Wangyi innocently tilt his head at Zhan Xian.

"No, future, that still giving them chances and choices, with you, people will really make bad choices" Zhan Xian told Wangyi.

"Let's post as close relationship" Zhan Xian told Wangyi

"Okay, how about I am your sister" Wangyi

"No" they will still capture you " Zhan Xian

"Mmmm... how about I post as your daughter" Wangyi giggles

"What! I am not that old...y-you...." Zhan Xian rolls his eyes, the worst is to have your future spouse father-zoned you.

"Then, how about I just act as your wife then, huh!" Wangyi told Zhan Xian

Zhan Xian was shocked because the protocol of unmarried maiden will never be so daring to bring out this matter, acting as husband and wife meaning they have to sleep together. Although, this is the most likely solution but Zhan Xian just couldn't bring himself to tell Wangyi, he worries that Wangyi might misunderstood him, but he never expect that Wangyi is such a Jianghu maiden, that he is straight forward to the point.

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