Chapter Twenty-One: Love Yourself A Fire

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Izuku returned to the dorm after showing his family his new provisional License but something caught his attention. Izuku stood at the front of the dorm after everyone went to bed and looked around as he sensed that if he didn't act, someone would die that night.

Izuku: 'What would dad do...?'

Following his instincts, he looked at the upper floors and noticed that the souls of Izumi, Katsuki, and Shoto were all missing from their rooms.

Izuku: Shit...

Izuku stormed through a portal and reached the roof of UA's main building. He scanned the surrounding campus with his eyes and noticed the three's presence at the training ground, Beta.

Izuku stepped through another portal. He found himself on a roof within the training ground where a standoff between Izumi, Katsuki, and Shoto was playing out below.

Katsuki: You guys don't deserve him! It was both of you who pushed him away all those years!

Shoto: Like you're one to talk! If you cared about him so much, why didn't you say anything?

Izumi: Shoto's right! You were the one who said we had to protect him.

Katsuki bared his teeth at the two as venom seeped from his very soul.

Katsuki: Protect him? That's what you call protecting him?... The Green Rider was right, Izuku really did die... but it was you who killed him! AND I'M GONNA MAKE IT UP TO HIM BY AVENGING HIS MEMORY!!

Katsuki charged using his blasts but was cut off as a portal opened in front of him, sending the angry blonde back to his side of the street. He turned around to see The Green Rider land on the street from above.

The Green Rider: That's quite enough.

Shoto tried to send a large pillar of Ice towards the skeleton but was stopped when chains prevented him from moving as they wrapped around his body.

Izumi: What are you doing here, demon?

The Green Rider: Demon?... That's a new one... I'm here because I can't sit idly by while you guys kill each other because of me-

Izumi: Because of you? No, we're talking about my little brother who obviously isn't here now...

The Green Rider changed into Izuku who was fed up with dealing with the past.

Izuku: Fine, I'll play along, but why talk about him? It was so obvious that you hated him... You even told him to kill himself, so tell me... Who's the real demon here, Yagi? Were the words you spoke to me during our internship just a lie or were they just your attempt to try and flush away your guilt?

Izumi was struck by his words like daggers as Izuku intimidatingly stepped in Izumi's direction.

Izumi: No-

Izuku: You didn't love him did you? In fact, I am positive that you enjoyed tormenting him right?

Izumi: No-

Izuku: You wanna know something? He loved you so much and he dreamed of being a hero alongside his big sister, but every time you struck, froze, threw, or insulted him, it tore at his soul. All of the love he had was destroyed and the hate that remained turned into me... a "Monster" all because I wear his face.

Izumi: No I didn't-

The distance of where Izuku stepped closer caused Izumi to trip backwards onto the ground out of shame and fear.

Izuku: You didn't, what? Love him? You never stopped to think that, "hmm, maybe I shouldn't abuse my brother to keep him from chasing his dreams"?... You were his older sister, the other part of him that he hoped would have his back yet you turned on him...

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