Chapter Sixteen: A Reunion Thought Lost

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Eri awoke to a familiar figure sitting on the bed beside her. She smiled softly which made the figure nearly shriek over her adorableness.

Eri: Papa Jin...

Jin: Hey honey.

She sat up and hugged her father and he hugged back.

Eri: Where did you go?

Jin: I... had to save some people.

Eri: Like you saved me?

Jin: Yeah... Now, it's still really late so go back to bed and in the morning, I'll finally teach you to ride a bike, okay?

Eri: You promise?

Jin smiled.

Jin: Yes, dear. I'm not going anywhere.

Eri laid back down and soon drifted off to sleep and Jin tucked her in before he left the room. He walked to the roof where Dabi and Izuku were waiting.

Jin: Ok, boys. It's still a bit late but, who's down for a midnight meal because I'm starving.

Dabi: Can never go wrong with some ramen.

Jin began visibly shaking as if he suffered trauma.

Jin: Oh yes you can...


Jin was eating at a ramen shop during a journey to find the best ramen and sat across the room, away from one pink haired teen accompanied by a buff rebellious looking teen but Jin could tell he was a gentle spirit.

???: Hey Saiki, look how I can eat ramen.

The buff kid had noodles going through his nose as the ramen visibly went down his throat causing Jin to visibly look sick.

Saiki: Good grief...

The buff teen looked over to Jin.

???: Hey buddy, are you alright? You're looking pretty pale.

Jin stood up and left the ramen on the table and escaped through a portal. Before leaving he said two simple words.

 Before leaving he said two simple words

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Flashback End...

Jin was shaken out of his flashback by Dabi and Izuku.

Jin: Oh, sorry about that. 'I wanted to see about phantom space ramen but that place got closed down...'

Jin smiled.

Jin: Come along.

Jin opened a portal and the three found themselves in front of a shop named "Ramen Ichiraku". Jin entered the shop where a kid wearing an orange tracksuit was already gorging himself in a bowl of Ramen while an older gentleman was cooking behind the counter.

 Jin entered the shop where a kid wearing an orange tracksuit was already gorging himself in a bowl of Ramen while an older gentleman was cooking behind the counter

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