Chapter Twenty: The Provisional License Exam

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Izuku portaled to the dormitory after finding gym gamma empty. He was surprised to hear a commotion coming from the second floor, so he followed it only to find a crowd consisting of the girls of class 1-A swarmed Izumi's door.

Jiro: Yagi! Open the door!

There was no response.

Mina: How could you do that to your own brother?!

Izuku bit his tongue and secretly portaled into Izumi's room.

Izumi looked up from her pillow which was soaked with tears and at Izuku who held pity in his eyes.

Izumi: Go away... I want to be alone right now...

Izuku sat down at the edge of her bed.

Izuku: I need to talk to you... Do you-


Izuku hung his head and stood up before walking to her door.

Izuku turned to her before he left.

Izuku: I'm sorry Izumi... I'll- I'll go...

Izuku opened the door and was met by the surprised faces of the girls of 1-A. He took a step outside of the door before closing it behind him.

Izuku: Please let her rest, she's not doing too well.

Momo: But we heard from Bakugo about what they did to you! How can you forgive her?!

Izuku gave a slight smile.

Izuku: I forgave them for me, not for them. I appreciate all of your concerns but she's... She's someone I have to protect because deep down... I have to protect what remains of the good Izumi, the same one from the better parts of my childhood.

Izumi sat on the other side of the door listening to Izuku's words.

Uraraka: I can understand that, but she still has some explaining to do!

Izuku thought for a moment and hung his head.

Izuku: I can see that you're all adamant about confronting her...

Izuku got down on his knees and planted his forehead in a dogeza bow, earring a gasp from the others.

Izuku: But she has already been through enough of her own torment. I am begging you to leave her alone, not for her... but for me.

After a bit of tension filled silence, Momo finally spoke.

Momo: Okay! Please, just raise your head!

Izuku stood in front of the door as all finally left.

He looked at the door and hesitated but eventually gave in and left to his room. On the way he heard more commotion coming from Shoto's room but he wasn't about to go through that again.

He laid in his bed for a while and eventually fell asleep. Izuku soon awoke and the sky was barely turning orange from the sun cresting over the horizon. Being the first one up, he did his usual morning routine but left far earlier just as the other students were waking up. He sat on the roof watching the sunrise.

He portaled into class after watching the sunrise where he found Aizawa sleeping under his desk. He didn't want to bother his uncle so he went to the cafeteria and made a cup of coffee for him as an apology for his "outburst".

He placed the cup onto Aizawa's desk before making his way to his seat. He heard an audible sniff before a hand appeared from behind the desk and disappeared with the cup.

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