Chapter Twelve: Within Death, There is Life

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Izuku and Izumi finally let go of one another but the night wasn't over. Izuku thought it would be a good idea for him to train Izumi himself. He went over basic forms, as well as working on her stance.

Izuku: Without a proper stance, you leave yourself unbalanced and your opponent may easily gain the upper hand.

This went on for about an hour until Izumi finally succumbed to her energy exhaustion from pushing herself too hard. She didn't mind it though as it was worth it for her brother. That night, Izuku remained awake which hardly affected him due to the Rider's energy. He'd usually sleep like a normal person would but it wasn't necessary as the energy from the Rider within allowed him to remain conscious for days on end.

He'd thought about his experiences with Jin, Dabi, and found joy in the possible future experiences he'd enjoy with his sisters Izumi and Eri. Suddenly a feeling of anxiety and gloom seemed to swallow him whole and a warning from his father played in his head.


Jin was training Izuku and giving him bits of information about the rider.

Jin: Since you haven't fully become one with your Rider you must remember son, in the Rider form you are practically impervious to any damage whatsoever...but, when in your human form, death is still a possibility.

Izuku: I understand.

Jin: Well... I say "death" but hosts for the Rider have always been sent to some different astral plain. Heh, some Riders have escaped from there but, there are only a handful of things that can really kill us. So don't worry.

Jin gave Izuku a reassuring smile and continued with the lesson.

Flashback end...

Meanwhile back home, Jin felt the same feeling and was worried as this feeling only triggered when the end was near... for a rider's host...

The next morning, Torino had ordered a microwave and Izuku listened to them bicker as Izumi had some power awakening moment. He was thrilled for her but the overbearing feeling had not ceased from the night before. Izumi noticed his troubled expression but before she could say anything, a yellow boot connected with his face.

GT: Don't leave your guard-

Torino stopped as he landed when he noticed his attack did nothing as Izuku's skin had begun to melt off.

The Green Rider: I'm going out for a bit to clear my head.

The day soon passed and Izumi waited for Izuku to come back but he didn't until the next morning.

Hours seemed like days as the third day of the internship began to draw to a close.

Torino: Let's go on a patrol!

Izuku: Where?

Torino: Hmm... Hosu city!

Izuku conjured a portal and the three stepped through it, finding themselves in the center of Hosu city.

The feeling hit Izuku stronger, nearly drowning him but he did his best to hide it. The twins followed GT through the city when suddenly screams filled the air and smoke rose from a large orange light that engulfed part of Hosu city. Izuku looked to the direction the civilians were running from and spotted another Nomu but it was different.

Torino: Guard the citizens! I'll handle that one!

Izuku and Izumi began ushering citizens to safety when something caught onto The Green Rider's senses.

Izuku: Izumi! Take care of them!

Izuku took off leaving Izumi as he followed his senses to a dark alley where he found Ingenium and Tenya facing off against the hero killer stain.

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