It hurts

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After cooling down Minho made his way to Jisung's room he knocked on the door and heard a come in "i know I came back so suddenly but you should understand I only thought of you when I left so coming back hurt to know you changed so much" Jisung rolled his eyes "you thought of me when you left? You mean you left me knowing damn well I had no friends, no one to talk too and parents who forget I exist sometimes..." Minho sighed "I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry I'll make it up to you but I want you to break up with your... boyfriend".

Jisung stood up "HELL NO YOU CAN'T JUST ENTER MY LIFE AFTER ALMOST FUCKING IT UP" to be honest Jisung is more scared Minho would leave him again and he's left picking up the pieces but break up with his boyfriend is too far.

Minho came closer and looked over Jisung and harshly pulled his chin "stop acting like you love him" Jisung tremble feeling Minho's gaze intensify "fuck you" Jisung said feeling the hand under his chin get stronger "just know I own you, you could be my dog if I wanted but I chose for you to be my husband so you better respect me or else".

"W-what does that mean?" Jisung said feeling terrified of Minho for the first time "it means you're my slut, no one else" he let go and Jisung held his chin it kinda hurt "call your boyfriend, break up with him right now" Minho demanded.


"I said now Jisung and don't make me say it again" Jisung was so scared, he doesn't want to make his best friend sad, how do you break up with someone out of nowhere? When they didn't even do anything wrong...and Minho... he's different or is it how he normally is?


Jisung flinch hearing Minho's low voice "i'll d-do it" Jisung quickly took out his phone. He called Hyunjin's number hoping that he doesn't pick up but sadly he did "baby did you get home?" Hyunjin said "am...i-" Jisung was sweating with the pressure, Hyunjin is a great boyfriend and he's also really sensitive so how do he do this.

"Babe are you ok?" Hyunjin said his voice full of worry "I think w-we should break up" he said nervously "oh" Jisung heart could of break hearing Hyunjin's voice "I'm sorry, did i do something wrong?"

Jisung suddenly got mad, Minho is making him break his best friend's heart which he kinda have to do because he's trapped in a room with a maniac! BUT he's doing it his way.

"No you didn't, it's all me I'm so sorry" he looked at Minho straight in his eyes "you know I love you" Minho put his hands in his pocket and stared at Jisung "you know how much I love you so let's continue to be friends".

Minho then heard Jisung saying "yeah I know, we'll talk soon ok and I'm sorry again" and he then hung up "you are not the same Han Jisung I knew you were?" Minho said "oh I'm way better, I know how to stick up for myself now" Jisung said, staring the devil right in his eyes.

"Let's see how long that last" he came up to Jisung and started stroking his cheek "I'll break you until you get back to the way you were".

"A lot of things break and with a little bit of glue it's fixed but it still never last"

"Then I'll have to use more than glue to fix know what the glue is?" Jisung shook his head but suddenly the hand that was stroking his cheek made a small scratch on his face.


(For those who don't understand, it means if glue which is love isn't enough then he'll be more physical)

"Don't make me go down that route Jisung" Jisung glared at him "stay in your room, I'll be back" Minho said and left making sure to lock the door from the outside. Jisung drop his body on the floor and started cry how did this happen? What do he mean he owns me? And what the fuck happened to Minho?!


Minho made his way to the living room to see Jisung's mother crying "Minho please don't hurt him" she said

"Agh stop acting like you care for him but you wanna know why he changed so much?" He said raising an eyebrow, she shook her head making him sigh and came up to her towering over them "because he went to school" he said with a low voice but then started yelling "didn't I say to not put him in school!"

"I'm sorry, he was just there so i-"

"I wanted him to stay here! If he were how I remembered him then all of this won't happen!"

"He wasn't talking to us, he wasn't eating so I had to do something you rather him death or alive?" Minho held his forehead "you could of just answered my call and I would of talked to him".


Minho's mother interrupted "didn't you sign a contract that Minho would be responsible for your son? So when he left I expected you to follow his instructions".

"I-I'm sorry-"

"Sorry won't help your business, you know it's failing but you still chose to disobey us" Mrs. Lee said "ok I'll make sure we don't interfere" Mr. Han said holding his wife who was scared.

"Just remember everything he's going through is your fault but it's not like you both care" Minho said walking away.


Some of you might not know but still.....

Happy Diwali🎇

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