< Ch. 8 >

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< Find Edgar... Please... >


Victor allowed Wick to catch the scent of Edgar just from that ribbon. Once the small dog remembered the scent, he ran towards the back gate of the garden, leading towards an alleyway. Victor followed him.
< You all stay here. I don't want anything to happen to the second child of the Valden family..>
Victor said before he ran out the gate. Maple stood in complete silence. She seemed to be praying in her head. She wanted nothing more than to have her dear older brother back..

        < Sometimes you should learn how to keep your mouth shut, brat! >
A tall man said as he threw Edgar to the wall. Yes, Edgar was quite glad they freed him from the heavy bindings of that old chair, but things got progressively worse after that. For one, Edgar had bodyguards always standing outside the room. Sometimes, they'd come in and tease Edgar a bit. They did not like it when Edgar would reply back though. Even if Edgar didn't say anything that would be proclaimed 'rude,' the men would still beat him up for it. It's only been two days and Edgar felt more hopeless then before.
< Stupid rich kids.. Always thinking they're all that. Well listen here buddy..>
The same man yanked Edgar's head up by his hair to look at him.
< —You aren't in your rich life anymore. Unless your father pays up, you're gonna stay here forever, got it? >
The man dropped Edgar and kicked him down before leaving. Edgar held his bruised knees to his chest and sobbed. Had he not felt such hopelessness like this before. Edgar sobbed until he couldn't breathe. Soon enough, all his energy was wasted from the sobbing, and he fell asleep on the cold, hard floor of the empty room.
Edgar woke up to the sound of the door opening. It was the hooded man again. He hadn't looked at Edgar just yet, he was busy yelling at the bodyguards. When he was finished with his argument, he looked down at Edgar, who was bruised all over.
< Oh. So that's why it's been so quiet.. I knew those motherfuckers were up to something. Ugh, I told them to WATCH you, not hurt you.. I have to do everything myself, huh? >
The man continued to ramble about the bodyguards while Edgar rubbed his eyes to clear them from his dry tears. He felt numb all over. He hadn't even noticed how bad his skin looked. All Edgar wanted to do at this point was run into Victor's arms, where it felt safe. Edgar felt like sobbing again. He sniffled, and not too soon after he felt a cold hand touch his head.
< Y'know, sometimes when I look at you I feel some pity.. I'll let you go, under one condition..>

< You have to get that money back here by next Saturday, or else I'll kill you.>

And with that, Edgar was freed. The hooded man had showed him the way out and told him how to come back. Edgar looked back at the building he just left, it looked like an old police station. It seemed like the building that burned down years ago. Edgar shrugged it off and slowly walked down the sidewalk to the way he assumed was where his home was.
< Wick! You can't just bark like that.. >

That voice...

< Wick!! Wick, where'd you go buddy? >

It's him...

< Agh, we're never going to find Edgar like this.>


Edgar ran to Victor painfully. Victor hadn't noticed him until Wick came back and barked happily. Edgar jumped into Victor's arms sobbing. Victor hugged the artist back tightly. This went on for a long amount of time until Victor noticed how messed up Edgar looked. His arms and legs were bruised all over, he had a black eye, his hair looked like he hasn't brushed it in years, and his voice was hoarse.
< Edgar, what the hell happened to you? What did they do to you? Are you okay? Oh.. Edgar.. >
Victor decided to not question him just yet, as Edgar could barely say a word through his sobs. Victor picked up Edgar and carried him home at that time.
       They arrived just as it was about to rain heavily. Victor knew how much Edgar hated the rain, so he walked a bit faster than his normal pace. Victor knocked on the door, and it opened immediately by the one and only, Maple. She saw Edgar in Victor's arms and her face beamed with happiness. She started asking a million questions that couldn't be heard with how fast she was talking. Victor tried answering as many as he could for Edgar, and also tried explaining that Edgar was too defeated to do anything as they walked up to his room.
          When they got inside Edgar's room, Victor laid Edgar on his bed as Maple called for a nurse. Victor kneeled down next to Edgar and held his hand, saying: "Everything is is going to be okay, you're safe now.." The nurse that was called for earlier came up and cleaned/bandaged Edgar's wounds in his bathroom. When she was done, she announced to everyone that Edgar would need rest, and will need time to heal. 3-4 days would be enough for him to feel better enough to walk or even speak. Everyone agreed and left the room, except for Victor. He insisted that he stay with Edgar, to keep an eye on him, to make sure nothing else happens to him. He feared of losing him again, so he strived to make sure that never did happen.

        For the next two days, Victor decided to stay with Edgar day and night, luckily this was his week off, or else he'd get into a lot of trouble. Edgar would attempt to speak at times, but miserably fail and make his throat hurt. Victor didn't ever judge him for that though. Victor used to be mute by choice, so he always carried a notebook around, just in case the people he signed to didn't know ASL. Victor pulled out the book and pen and handed it to Edgar. Giving him the notebook made communication so much easier for the both of them.

God, where on earth did Edgar find a man so caring..?

Some hours passed that day, and the familiar goofy knock of a certain inventor could be heard.
< Come in! >
Victor yelled. Luca and Andrew walked through the door, Luca had the same smug grin on his face that he'd always have, and Andrew seemed to have a face of complete worry.. Luca skipped over to Edgar, asking him a bunch of questions; with Victor answering, as Andrew sat next to Luca on the bed quietly.
< What happened to you Eddie?! Did a gang get you? Did you piss of Norton? Ganji, even?! C'mon Eddie, speak to me!! >
Edgar quietly wrote down answers in the notebook Victor gave him, and when he was done, he held it up to Luca with a tired face.

" 1. No, I did not get beat up by a gang.
2. I haven't seen Norton in months, and I'm not that stupid to piss off Ganji of all people..
3. Please stop yelling, I have a headache."

Luca read through the answers and giggled stupidly. Edgar rolled his eyes as Victor and Andrew chuckled softly. The rest of the time spent with Luca and Andrew was all just Luca babbling about their relationship and what had been going on during the past week. It didn't feel like it had been a few hours since the two got there, but it has. When they announced they had to leave and retreated to their homes, Edgar felt a little bit sad. Victor noticed this, and gave Edgar a kiss on his forehead, making Edgar smile. A little while after, Victor comforted Edgar until he fell asleep. That night, Victor actually kneeled down next to Edgar's bed and prayed. Not to anyone specifically, just to the moon and stars above..

< This message is to the sky above, please promise me to keep Edgar safe.. >

< No matter what... >

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