< Ch. 6 >

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< Don't you think its time to make that greedy Valden bastard pay for what he's done... With his son? >

The two arrived at the Valden household. One eager to see what the family thinks of him. Do they count him as a friend of Edgar's, or just a postman? All would be revealed when they get there.
Along the way, they encountered a woman dressed in purple. She was a beautiful young maiden, passing along the strong yet wonderful scent of roses along with her, it had seemed that the maiden had known Edgar, since she had stopped in her tracks to give Edgar a kindhearted greeting, it was a passionate greeting, like if she hadn't seen the artist in ages. The maiden had jumped onto Edgar, wrapping her arms around him like a mother missing the affection of their child. The sudden affection completely startled Edgar as he had no response to the hug. He just stood there, trying to remember who this woman was, and how she knew him. And then it hit him.
< Oh! Ms. Nair! Long time no see, huh? >
The maiden let go of Edgar, quickly responding to him as if it held such importance.
< Darling, please do call me Vera, we've known each other too long for you to continue being formal with me! >
Vera insisted.
< Apologies... Vera... Uhm.. What brings you here? >
< Me? I've just been strolling around, sales at the shop have been so dull, so I decided to walk around to see what the people have been doing recently, and then I walked into you two! Which surprised me quite a bit, since you, Edgar, don't seem to like walking around so much.. >
Edgar didn't respond to Vera's last statement, not knowing what to say to it, thankfully, the silence was cut from Vera.
< And who is this young gentleman, a close friend, I suppose? >
< Ah, no, you see, I'm his — >
Victor tried to correct Vera, but Edgar didn't let him, due to the fact Edgar didn't want anyone who knows him to know about his relationship.
< Yes — Yes! Close friend! We met just a week ago! You see, Victor has been helping me with my art recently! >
< Ah, how interesting! Well I'm glad you've finally come out of your shell, Edgar! Well, I must get going, a perfume shop doesn't sell perfume on its own, you know! >
And with that, the young maiden left, which let Edgar and Victor continue their walk to Edgar's manor.
The two had enjoyed each other's company for quite a while. They shared short stories about themselves and their past. This carried on until it became dark, with that, Victor had to leave, it was quite a shame, but Victor promised that he'd be back first thing in the morning to take Edgar out to a small café close to where Victor's apartment was.
The two kissed each other goodbye and Edgar headed back to his room, changed, and fell asleep.
At the strike of midnight, the sound of breaking glass could be heard down the hall from Edgar's bedroom, inside the art studio. Edgar heard the noise and woke up. He tiredly got out of bed to see what was going on down the hall. He slowly opened the door to the studio to see nothing but shattered glass. All of his canvases were still messily scattered around the room like they always have been. Edgar walked to the window and looked down at the garden below. There seemed to be nothing there, he shrugged it off as some foolish children playing a prank on him,!until he saw a silhouette of a hooded man searching through the bushes. Edgar quickly ran down to the door that lead to said garden and saw that nothing was there, just a few fallen leaves and broken branches from the messed up bush. Edgar was about to turn back to the door so he could head back up to his room and fall asleep but a heavy metal object was thrown at his head,

knocking him unconscious.


Dearly sorry for the short update, I haven't really been into Idv for quite a while and have been having trouble with my writings. I do have a big idea for this book planned, so keep your head up for that!

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