< Ch. 4 >

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< Why..? >

((TW: Referenced Self Harm) Implied Lucadrew)

Edgar had then woken up from his first peaceful night in ages. He felt it has been too long for comfort that he hasn't had such sleep. He got up to see that there was a letter that was gently placed on top of his dresser. Whoever could it be? None other than our lovely postman, of course. Edgar got up and walked gracefully to his dresser, now reading the name that was neatly written on the back of the wax sealed letter.
| With much care, Victor Grantz |
'Victor Grantz,' that was the name of his dear friend, or should they be more than friends, due to what happened the night before? Whatever it was, Edgar knew he loved Victor, he knew what happened yesterday wasn't a dream of any sort, but the same question that made his head a mess of questions still stood in his mind. ' Why?'
Just one word. That was the question. None of the usual, "Why does this and that?" or, "Why did this and that?" The question was merely "Why?" Edgar could never explain this question, even to himself. Instead of answering his own question, he opened the letter with the letter opener that laid flat on the dresser. Edgar was anxious and shaky while opening the letter with this specific tool, as he hasn't had the best experiences with it. But that nonsense was nothing Edgar would explain to anyone, as he flinched a bit harshly and cut his hand ever so slightly. The cut wasn't deep. It was a letter opener that cut him, after all. Edgar whined at the contact between the letter opener and his hand, but he should be used to it by now. 'I guess no inspiration, means no harm.' Edgar thought. 'And no harm, means no pain, no more tears, no more anger.. This is nice.' Edgar then put the items in his hands down and walked to his bathroom to find some sort of bandage to cover his now slightly bleeding cut. After he was finished with that, he came back to read the letter. It read:
| Hello again, Edgar! So I've heard Andrew has gotten a bit ill recently, and Luca wants us— well 'me' to come over to see if he'll be alright, I just merely want to know if you'd like to come with me.. Of course, neither of us are nurses or anything, Luca just wants someone to keep him and Andrew company. I'll understand completely if you are unable to join us, I do hope you make time to come over though..
Deepest regards, Victor. |
Edgar smiled while reading the letter. He finally had something to do. He put the letter back on his dresser and got dressed. He chose to wear something close to what he's always worn, but he chose to not wear his capelet today. He had no care to stop to eat breakfast this morning, so he didn't. Edgar just walked out, on his way to Luca's house again, where him, Andrew, and Victor were.
Edgar finally made it to the inventor's house. He took a quick glance at the window as he was walking towards the door, no one was in the living room this time. Edgar stood in front of the front door and knocked a couple times. Shortly after, Victor had came to open the door.
< Ah, Edgar! You finally came! I was worried that you were going to be too busy to come.. >
Victor welcomed Edgar, with that, Edgar responded back kindly:
< I wouldn't miss an opportunity to see you again, Victor.. >
Victor gave Edgar a kind smile as Edgar looked down while his cheeks became a soft pink. Victor then moved Edgars hair from his face and kissed his forehead lovingly. Afterwards, Victor took hold of Edgar's hand and escorted him to the room Luca and Andrew were in. 
         Andrew laid on his bed, with Luca sitting right beside him. Luca seemed to be rambling on to Andrew about new inventions, past inventions, memories, and much more. Luca was quite the talker. You'd think Andrew would be annoyed at this point, but he seemed to be enjoying Luca's blabbering. That blabbering soon came to a stop as Andrew sat up to greet the two who just entered the room. 
< Victor you finally came! With Edgar too! How thoughtful! You two seem to have become close now, have you? >
Luca said with a smile. He was absolutely clueless about Victor and Edgar's relationship at the moment, it was best for him not to be informed about it now, as he'll start teasing the two for it, and both of the boys did not want to deal with that. 
< Yes, we have! We both noticed we had a bit in common, so we decided to talk to each other more often. To continue our bond, I decided to bring him here with me! >
Victor responded with a few quick glances at the man next to him. 
< I'm glad you two are getting along well, now, will you keep an eye on Andrew while I get him some water? >
Luca said as he got up from his seat to go to Andrew's kitchen.
< I'm not a kid, Luca...> 
Andrew mumbled, a bit angrily. Luca heard him though, and looked back at him to respond:
< I know that, silly! I just don't want you wandering off too much while you're sick! >
Andrew sighed tiredly and leaned back against the wall. Victor took the seat Luca was in to chat with Andrew, while Edgar just leaned against the wall by the doorway. It didn't take long before Luca was back with a cup filled with cold water. He sat on the bed and handed the cup to Andrew, pulling a small candy out of his pocket to go with it. By the red and white swirl on it, it would be guessed to be a peppermint. You'd be correct, in that case. Luca took one of Andrew's cold hands, placed the treat on it, and closed his hand gently. As a cute add-on to the gift, he softly kissed his hand to seal the gift. Victor wasn't looking when this happened, he was staring at Edgar, who was drawing on his hand with a pen he brought with him, in case he got bored. Victor got up from the chair and walked up to Edgar, who seemed focused on the art he was making on his skin with just a pen. Victor Leaned on the wall next to him and watched him draw. It was amazing how beautiful Edgar made his art look. Even if he had the worst materials, Victor believed Edgar could make something absolutely mind blowing. An example of that is the drawing on his hand. He drew a flower, which by the looks of it, was a rose. The detail was amazing, Victor needed to ask Edgar to teach him a thing or two. When Edgar was done, despite the fact Andrew and Luca were in the room, he looked up at Victor and kissed his cheek, his face looking calm and gentle. Victor smiled back at Edgar in response, both of the men unaware of the blank stares they were getting by the other two people in the room.
< Get a room, would you? >
Luca teased while giggling. Victor and Edgar's plan to not tell Luca about their newfound relationship has failed, that's fine though, it was not that easy to keep a secret anyway. 
         After a whole day of teasing by Luca, everyone finally got to go home, except for Andrew, since everyone was in his house. Luca wanted to stay for a bit longer, though. Before Edgar and Victor parted ways, they decided to say goodbye to each other. 
< I guess the rest of our lives from now on is going to be a mess due to Luca, huh? >
Edgar joked, which received a small chuckle from Victor. 
< Haha, well, I hope he's not much of a problem for us in the future, I hope to see you again, Edgar! >
< I wish to see you too, Victor. >
Edgar then planted a soft kiss on Victor's lips, when he pulled away he was embraced in Victor's arms. Edgar felt warm and safe in Victor's arms, he hoped to never be pulled out of them, but he had to, if he wanted to see him again tomorrow. Victor let him go after a bit and was about to turn to leave until Edgar spoke out:

< I love you, Victor Grantz. > 


 Thanks for reading this chapter, god has it been a long time since I posted, so sorry! Recently I've been trying to focus on myself and completely forgot about this book, again, very sorry for that! I do have a few ideas for future chapters + completing my other book. I do hope you'll forgive the inconvenience here and look forward to future updates! 

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