< Ch. 3 >

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< Would you like to visit me again, Grantz? >

Victor nodded his head in agreement to visit the painter again. He did say he would love to see more of his artwork.
The next day, Edgar had met Victor at the door of his manor. It was surprising enough that Edgar didn't just send a maid or butler down, but he wanted to greet Victor, his new inspiration, himself. Edgar allowed Victor inside and lead him up to the second floor, where his art studio was.
< The reason I asked you to come here, is to ask you something. >
Edgar started talking as soon as they entered the studio. Victor raised his head to look at Edgar, who was staring into the distance. Edgar spoke again,
< Can I paint you? >
Victor's eyes widened. Edgar wanted to paint... him? But all he ever could be was a mere postman, what was so special about him that the talented son of the Valden family wanted to paint him? Victor didn't want Edgar to be upset in any sort of way, so he asked for Edgar's hand. Startled by the request, held out his hand to the postman hesitantly, and Victor softly wrote on Edgar's palm with his finger:
< Of course, Mr. Valden! >
Edgar's face softened. He then lead Victor to the window, where there was a small couch. Edgar signaled Victor to sit there, and let him relax before they started.
< You can pose however you'd like, just don't make yourself look indolent, >
Edgar spoke. Victor did as so, sitting on the couch as a normal person would, he stared at the painting above Edgar, and signaled that he was ready for Edgar to start. Edgar started sketching, making sure every detail on Victor's clothing and the area around him were perfect. He would make multiple marks on the canvas and then stop to look at Victor every few seconds. Every time Edgar would look at the postman, he would see Victor smiling at the painting above him. When he finished the sketch and was about to grab his paints, he looked up behind him at the painting Victor seemed to be looking at. It was a painting he made long ago. It consisted of a woman in a beautiful lavender dress and purple bonet. It was the last portrait of a person Edgar had painted. Edgar softly smiled and then looked back at Victor, who still was staring at it, examining every detail.
About thirty minutes later, the painting was done. Edgar left it on the easel to dry off, and got up to tell Victor it was finished.
< The painting is finished, you can stop staring at that old painting now.. >
Victor blinked to look into Edgar's sky blue eyes. He then gave Edgar a kind smile and responded,
< That painting, it's beautiful.. It seems that you don't do many portraits anymore, why is that?...If you don't mind me asking.. >
Edgar's eyes widened at the postman's words. He looked behind himself at the old painting and examined it for a second. He then turned back to Victor and spoke:
< They didn't respect it. >
< How so? > The postman responded.
< They were all full of lies, they didn't respect my art, is all. But you.. You're different, Grantz.. >
Victor's face was patted with a light blush. So that's what Edgar found so fond of Victor, his honesty..
< I'm greatly surprised you can actually talk, though, I thought you were mute.. >
Edgar then spoke, he was genuinely confused on why the postman didn't speak before. Victor then responded politely,
< I choose not to speak! Sorry for the confusion, Mr. Valden... >
< Please, call me Edgar... > Edgar corrected.
< Ah! Sorry, Edgar! > Victor apologized.
Edgar looked away, slightly blushing. Why was Victor so nice to him? Edgar was so rude the first day they met, so why?
< You can leave now.. if you want.. >
Edgar softly spoke. Victor tried moving a bit to look into Edgar's eyes again. Edgar saw that the postman was searching for Edgar's face with concern, so he looked back up to him.
< I don't mind staying for a while longer! But if you don't mind, would you please tell me about how you started painting? I want to know more about you, Edgar! >
Victor said kindly. Edgar was hesitant, but he then nodded his head in agreement to the postman's request, and lead him back to the couch so they could lead a conversation.
Edgar started his story with explaining the first painting he ever made. It was a landscape, a hill, to be exact. Behind it, was the rising sun. It was truly beautiful, for a beginner, it was the best anyone could do. That painting was how he got his title. But the thing that was so special about it was that there were small silhouettes of tiny animals roaming the hill. most people would just make the sunrise and leave it as that, but young Valden didn't go with the classics, he wanted his art to come from his own inspiration and mindset. It took a long while for the painter to finish his own story of fame and art, but Victor listened to it all. Edgar then finished the story with the painting Victor was staring at a while ago. He didn't continue after that, he looked down, sadly, or so it seemed. Victor raised up Edgar's lowered head with a hand and looked into his eyes one last time. 
< Your eyes are beautiful, just like your art. Did you know that, Edgar? >
Victor said kindly. Edgar blushed again, but he didn't move his head away from Victors touch. Edgar then softly confessed what he thought about Victor,
< No, I didn't know that, the only thing I see beautiful is you. > Edgar raised his hand to Victor's, which was on Edgar's cheek by now. < That's actually why I asked to paint you, I wanted to capture your full beauty in my work. Thank you for coming, Victor... > 
Victor's eyes widened by the painters confession, but he didn't need to question, instead he leaned down to the painter's face and kissed him softly. Edgar had taken quite a bit to figure out what just happened when Victor pulled away from his face with a kind-hearted smile. Edgar's cheeks became a slightly darker shade of pink as he looked down. Victor then hugged Edgar, taking him in his arms with care. Edgar put his arms around Victor's waist, taking in the kind offer politely. Edgar didn't speak for a while, his head was filled with questions, but these questions would be answered later. The postman had to leave. Victor let go of Edgar, politely stating that he needed to go back home to feed his dog. Edgar respectively let go of Victor, but then stopped him, he hasn't seen his painting yet. 
Edgar stood up to reveal the portrait to Victor. Victor smiled brightly and would not stop telling Edgar how much he loved and appreciated it. The colors were chosen carefully and thoughtfully, the amount of care that was put into the painting was what made it beautiful.
< Please do take it with you, as a gift for visiting. > 
Edgar pleaded. Victor accepted the gift and carefully picked up the painting from the easel. Edgar and Victor then left the studio, Edgar closed he door behind them and escorted Victor to the front door, where they said their goodbyes. Victor pecked Edgar on the cheek kindly and turned to leave. Edgar raised a hand to the cheek that was kissed lovingly. He then headed back inside to his own room, where he finally had a peaceful night. He slept with no worries at all. He was greatly excited for what was going to happen tomorrow, but he still had one question, 

< Why?.. > 

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