There are some shit also written. I give damn about this.

" Khanna i didn't want to see any this kind of news do it fast. And i want to know the person behind this. "

" Yes sir i will tell your PA "

As we reached Mumbai first i asked Khanna to go home and i directly came office. Everyone in office has nothing to talk but only one thing about my visit to Delhi.

I called mishra in my cabin and right now my mood is not at all good.

" I asked you to do something "

" Yes sir we got to know about that publication channel and their is no news regarding this now ."

" Better and you know what do now "

" Yes sir "

" And i want all reports of past one week and about today meeting send me the final presentation. "

" Yes sir "

Saying he left the cabin. Their are messages from Gauri and Om regarding this only. Some from Anika also but i seriously didn't want to talk about this matter.

After completing the meeting i came to my cabin. It's already lunch time. I didn't has dinner and i forgot about breakfast very well done Shivaay.
I got call on office number.

" Hello Shivaay Singh Oberoi is here "

" Shivaay where the hell you are we are calling you like a mad person. "

" What happened Om ??"

" That's what you want to say "

" What else you want to listen "

" Come home now "

" Om i have meeting "

" I don't know anything we are waiting for you so come fast "
He cut the call.

I know it's my mistake i am ignoring their messages and calls. After telling Mishra to reschedule the meeting i came home.

" Bale papa "

Came Ishaan running towards me .
I take him in my arms and he hugged me tightly. I missed him so much.

" What happened to my bacha"

" Ishaan miss bale papa "

" Bade papa also miss Ishaan "

He looked at me with a cute smile on his face.

"Atlast you are here we thought you forgot about your home or more precisely that you have family. " Came Om from poolside with Gauri.

"Why your father is so grumpy today "

" Papa grum...y " he said aloud giggling.

" Ishaan tell this to your bade papa he is the one who always remain in grumpy mood "

" Om Stop it now " Gauri said.

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