chapter 43

907 123 34

Anika pov

It's been more than one month. Shivaay got attacked. He is fine now back to his over workaholic mode.
The attackers were arrested and the main culprit got arrested too he was the from the reveal company.

When papa came back he was so happy. He told everything how everyone their take care of him. How he spent time with dad. How much he like the house and office. He just can't stop praising shivaay. Their hospitality he said is not worried for my future because he trust Oberoi's that I am going to be very happy with them.

Shivaay also got the project which is working so hard for years it was his dream project. I remembered I was in office when he is calling me constantly so I received and he told me that he came back from the meeting they grab the project he was so happy that day. He said I am the first he is sharing the news with.

Both of us become so comfortable which each other. We both start sharing things without hesitation.
Sometimes we don't need words we just understand each other.
We both are enjoying this phase of our life.

Only two months are remaining for marriage. And maa is not at all keep calm. She is take me to market for shopping telling me to buy this or that. So from five days we are doing  shopping.

Even today we are here in boutique selecting clothes for Oberoi family.

It's around 3pm. I am exhausted and confused what to select for Om and shivaay else everyone dress and suit are done.

I called shivaay.

" Hello "

" Shivaay are you free now?? "

" Yes having lunch "

" This late shivaay?? "

" I was in meeting before this. "

" First have lunch I am sending you some picture of suit  select one for you, Manav and Om. I am very confused. "

" Are but why what's the need?? "

" Shivaay their is ritual so I am sending please choose and let me know. " I cut the call.

" Anika what are you doing in phone come here and select from these two."

" Maa you yourself select I am already tried. And I am sending suit pics to shivaay he will select for Om, Manav and himself. "

" Anika if I had to select why I bring you here. "

" Ohk fine  but for today it's the last store. "

After ten minutes I send message to shivaay asking which one he likes.

He selected two one for Om and Manav.

" Maa these two are final for Om and Manav. "

" You didn't like ?? "

" No they are good. "

" Then what's the problem "

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