Chapter 39

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~~~~ 12 years later - September 5, 1769

"Our Native allies have been thriving since the fire. The village has never looked better, and a beautiful memorial had been built to honour those who did not make it. I was surprised to see her name among the fallen - Kaniehtí:io. Despite everything that happened, she was still a formidable fighter and strategizer, and she did not deserve to die the way she did. I wish I could show more remorse, but it was because of her that I spent these last 12 years alone. I can only imagine what he must be up to, but even the obnoxious Hickey has been silent. However, as Gianni and I have been rebuilding the Colonial Brotherhood, I have a feeling that this decade of peace will come to an end."


Mirabella lowered her pen with a sigh, running her hand down her tired face. Many times she thought of leaving the Brotherhood, ten years ago, but the offer of rebuilding a branch in the Creed persuaded her to stay.

Gianni was more invested than ever in the Assassins, and his ambition and determination would soothe her raging mind. She then closed her journal, standing up as she rearranged her desk. Today, it was her turn to survey the new recruits' training.

She walked out of her office, heading down the stairs into the Common Room, and it was strangely loud. "If you do not state your business, we will resort to violence to get you to leave!"

Gianni's loud, booming voice compelled Mirabella to race in, and she witnessed the scene. Standing in the middle of the room was a Native boy, who was glaring angrily at a hostile Gianni.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

All eyes turned to Mirabella, and the room fell silent. "Her!" The boy started towards her, but a line of Assassins blocked him. "I was told to find her!" Gianni approached her, keeping his gaze on the boy. 

"He came barging in demanding to speak to 'the woman in black' but would not say why. We have never shown the Natives our headquarters, so how did he find us?" he hissed, his hand on his hips.

Mirabella eyed the boy closely, then dismissed Gianni before approaching the boy. " have found me, ragazzo, congratulations. What is it that you seek?" she asked, standing tall.

The boy swallowed nervously, glancing around at the numerous Assassins. "I...I was told you can train me," he said, trying to be brave. "Yes, that is what we do here, but who told you this? How did you find us?" she questioned relentlessly. "The spirit showed me."

A soft murmur rippled through the room, and Mirabella narrowed her eyes. "What spirit, boy?" She took a step forward, but he was unphased. "The spirit from the orb."

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