Chapter 4: Cat and Mouse

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The sound of quick footsteps on the cobblestone pathway is slowly replaced by the violent swishing of tall grass as Daifugō and Hartford make their way deeper into the thick, jungle-like section of Gēmu Island. Subtle tremors from the fierce battle between Lieutenant Cavalier and First Mate Bitters could be felt periodically beneath their feet. Daifugō stops suddenly with a worried expression and peers back at the village. It had become no more than a speck on the sunset horizon.

"Is Cavalier going to be alright...?" Daifugō anxiously thinks to himself.

"C'MON FUGŌ!! We can't turn back now...! We gotta get to the-... -to the middle of this island... To ugh-... -To snag that devil fruit before those damn pirates do!" Hartford huffs back to Daifugō exhaustingly.

Daifugō snaps out of his troubled trance and looks back towards Hartford, who is now doubled-over trying to catch his breath. Daifugō steels his demeanor and walks down the grassy path past Hartford. As he walks next to him, Daifugō pats Hartford on the shoulder.

"You're right Hartford... I guess there's no time to turn back. We just gotta keep moving forward!" Daifugō calmly states with a determined gleam in his eye.

Hartford shakes his head and snickers at Daifugō's newfound confidence. He takes a solid stance and rears his head back to allow a long, drawn out channel of oxygen through his nostrils. Hartford pauses before he exuberantly exhales the pent up breath through his mouth.

"Damn Fugō, when did you become so cool? Looks like some of my unwavering manliness is finally rubbing off on you, hah!!"

Daifugō scoffs and mockingly retorts, "Pfft... Manliness? I think hard-headed is the word you're looking for, you incorrigible bastard."

Hartford assumes a playful, defensive stance in response to Daifugō's insult.

"Damn it all! Cavalier might be influencing you as well from the sounds of it!" Hartford retorts as he lands a quick jab onto Daifugō's arm.

"Don't compare me to that brute! I'm getting shivers just thinking about it!" Daifugō shoots back at Hartford while rubbing his arm.

Daifugō turns back and somberly sighs as he stares down the path ahead of them, reflecting on the events that they've faced since being on Gēmu Island.

"Honestly, I've never had such a burden placed upon me... The reality of our task could be more dangerous than we think. Plus, now we're fully accountable for getting the Devil Fruit. I guess, it's just a lot more responsibility than I've ever had before..." Daifugō says to Hartford in a pensive tone.

After hearing Daifugō's statement Hartford couldn't help but smile a little.

"Well, there's the Fugō I know! But don't worry, we're a team, and as a team we share in this burden! I got your back and I know you got mine, hah!" Hartford exclaims as he extends his hand towards Daifugō in a reassuring manner.

Daifugō smirks at his friend's comment and smiles confidently as he accepts Hartford's encouraging handshake. The two nod and quickly continue their dash towards the heart of the island.

As they race further into the jungle, they notice that the flora gets noticeably larger and the light around them slowly starts to fade away. Daifugō looks towards to where the sky usually rests and stares in awe to see that an extensive canopy made up from towering tropical trees blocks out the day's remaining sunlight. As they delve deeper into the wild, the two marines would catch the glint of beady eyes beaming towards them before swiftly scurrying away into the darkness.

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