1.15 - Prom Night

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{1x15. Prom Night}

Written by A.C.

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"I just love having people over for dinner," Patty said with a smile.

"Mom, we know. You say that all the time some of my friends come over," CL grinned. Elis and Riven snickered. Just as Elis had asked him to do, CL checked with his parents to see if he could come over for dinner, even though CL knew they would say yes. Patty really did enjoy cooking for a large group of people that wasn't just Charles and CL. And now that Darren had moved into their home too, she was in cooking heaven. Of course, CL didn't waste a moment to ask if Riven could come over too.

"I just love your cooking Mrs. Valmont," Elis said to her, "My mom never cooks. It's always whatever Linda cooks."

"Linda?" Charles curiously asked.

"The maid," CL said with a grin as if to say: Yes, he actually has a maid.

"Nice," Darren grinned.

After dinner Charles went to help Patty wash the dishes while CL, Riven, Darren, and Elis went to the living room to listen to some music.

"Darren, can I ask you something?" Elis said stopping at the entry of the living room. He stopped and turned to Elis.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Well, you know Prom is next week and I'm up for Prom King," Elis said him.

"So am I," Darren grinned.

"I know," Elis laughed. "And normally I'd view you as a competition but I think it would be a real scream if two nominees go to the prom ... together."

Darren smiled, "Are you asking me to prom?"

"Yes," Elis nodded, "Would you be my date? I really don't want to go with any of the guys that have asked me."

"I never thought you'd ask me out of all those guys," Darren snickered. "Sure, why not? It'll be fun."

Elis grinned excitedly.

"Excellent!" he squealed and hugged Darren.

"What do you mean you're not going to prom?" they suddenly heard CL ask Riven. Elis and Darren went and sat down on the sofa. CL looked surprised and annoyed.

"I don't want to go," Riven repeated, "It's a stupid tradition."

"It is not!" Elis blurted out, offended. CL shot him a look before turning back to Riven.

"Riven all this time I thought we were going to go," CL told him. "I even bought something to wear."

"I'm sorry but I can barely stand being around those people during regular school activities, what makes you think I'm up for partying with them?"

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