{1x13. Aftermath}

Written by A.C.

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Patty sat across from Charles in the morning. Charles, as usual, was reading the news on his tablet reader as he ate. Patty moved her scrambled eggs around her plate before she realized she wasn't hungry anymore. She set the fork down on her plate loud enough to make Charles look up.

"Something wrong?"

"It's CL," she said rubbing her eyes. "He was having another nightmare last night."

"He spoke with you?"

"He doesn't need to speak to me, it's pretty obvious," Patty answered irritably. "I can hear him whimpering and talking in his sleep ever since ..."

Charles put his tablet down and reached over to hold his wife's hand. "It's going to be some time. It can't be easy."

"I know," Patty said sadly. "I just hate knowing that he's like this. I wish he had never seen that. I can't imagine what that must've been like."

"If he feels like that imagine how Pedro's parents must feel to have seen their own son take his life."

"I know," Patty nodded. "But how long before CL is able to have a full night's sleep again? How long is it going to take for him to move on?"

Charles shrugged, rubbing his thumb against Patty's hand. "It's going to take a while, Patty. It's only been a week since it happened."

"I've been thinking I should probably call Pedro's mother and see how she's holding up," Patty said.

"I think that could be a good idea," Charles answered. "She could probably use all the support she can get; especially coming from another mother who has a gay son."

* * *

Elis shook his head as he and Darcy walked down the hall to their next class.

"I'm just worried, it's not like him to miss class," Elis said to Darcy.

"It's the fourth time this week," She added looking worried as well. "Do you think we should go see him after school?"

"I'm going to do just that," Riven said, appearing from behind them, "CL not here again?"

"I'm afraid not," Elis wincesd.

"He hasn't been returning any of my phone calls," Riven frowned.

"Poor CL," Darcy sighed sadly, "I can't imagine what it's like to see someone shoot themselves right in front of you."

"It's not pretty, I can assure you," Riven muttered.

"That's right, you were there too," Elis said and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Riven. How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing better than CL, that's for sure," Riven answered and leaned back against a locker. "I think I'm just going to skip the rest of my classes after lunch and go see him."

"We'll go with you," Elis nodded.

"No, I better go alone," Riven told him. "He might not want to see many people."

"Ok but let us know how it goes," Elis told him.

"I will."

* * *

CL sat on the grass overlooking the ocean. He was sitting by the cliff he and Riven always went to. After what happened with Pedro all CL wanted was to be alone ... yet he didn't want to be alone with his thoughts. How in the world did that make sense? CL felt a pressure in his chest, a hard lump in his throat, and his stomach churned whenever he thought of Pedro; Pedro and his unfortunate end; Pedro and his blood all over his mother's white curtains. CL closed his eyes and swallowed hard.

Life of Youth: Series 1Where stories live. Discover now