BoKuroAkaKen Pt: 1

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Sick: Kuroo and Akaashi Caretakers: Kenma and Bokuto
Slightly time-skipped , they are in university
Kenma's POV: I wake up to my bed being empty except me. It's only 8:35 why did I wake up? I then hear voices coming from the kitchen. I wander over still slightly tired and see what's happening. Kuro and Akaashi are on one side of the counter, Bokuto is on the other side. Kuroo looks a bit red and is sweating through his shirt. Akaashi is sitting in one of our barstools looking slightly less red than Kuro. "No you two are not going out today! I won't let you." I am very confused. "What's going on? Why can't Kuro and Keiji go out?" I ask fully awake now. "Because Tetsu has a fever and Keiji has a cold! I mean look at them! They wont survive 15 minutes out there." I glance at Kuro and Akaashi from Ko's angle and he's right. Kuro looks like he might pass out any second. Akaashi looks a lot better but he's sniffling a lot. "Akaashi, you need some tissues and Kuro you need to sit down before you faint." Kuro sighs and walks back to the bedroom but we know this isn't over. He comes out fully dressed ready to go to class. "I don't care what you say, I'm going to class." I look over to Ko to see what he would do. He takes a deep breath and chuckles slightly. Oh I see. This is gonna be a long day

Bokuto's POV: I have a plan. "Okay then, Kuroo, lets go". He looks at me in shock. "Keiji are you coming?" I say in my menacing tone. "Uh- No I'm gonna stay here. One day wont hurt right?" He says. "Yeah that's what I thought you'd say." I walk over to Kuroo and grab his hand. "Well lets go Tetsurou. I'll walk you there." "Uh okay?" He says very confused why I'm on board all of a sudden. Oh he's in for a surprise. We say goodbye and start walking towards the bus stop. It's about a 30 minute walk. Kuroo is not gonna come back conscious. After a few minutes He's already loosening his tie. Then he starts swaying. "Bo. Bokuto. KOTAROU! I hear him calling my name but I pretend I'm not paying attention. Then he faints and I catch him easily. "This is why you should've stayed home Tetsurou." I whisper to him. I carry him back home.

Kenma's POV: I hear the door open but can't get up so I just turn and see Kuro limp in Bo's arms. "Really? isn't there something else you could do?" I say as I raise my eyebrow. "Um, are you sure you're Tetsu's childhood friend. The Kuroo Tetsurou I know won't give up that easily." I roll my eyes and watch him put Kuro on the couch behind me. "Well, their both knocked out, what are we gonna do now?" He looks at me with a smirk and says, "Video games?" I smirk back and wait for Bo to set it up.

Timeskip a couple hours~

Akaashi's POV: I wake up from the nap Kenma soothed me into and feel refreshed. That nap really worked. I look over and see Bokuto and Kenma playing Video games on the floor, Kuroo is still asleep with a damp towel on his head. He seems to be getting better though. "Well you two really are able to tale care of things huh?" Kou turns around slightly upset, "Of course we can, we aren't 4 y'know!" I chuckle and run my hand through Kuroo's hair as I walk over to get some water. "'Kaashi? How did I get here? I should be in class right now!" "I didn't mean to wake you Testu but classes are over anyway, you should be able to go tomorrow though." He sighs and puts his hands over his face in embarrassment. "I fainted didn't I?" "Yup," replied Bo. "And you aren't cooking dinner to tonight rooster head, me, Akaashi, and Kenma are!" We all laugh as he realizes only one part of the dinner will be adequate and/or edible.

The End!

(a/n IM SO SO SO SO SORRY I DO NOT POST OFTEN BUT I WILL TRY I PROMISE THIS TIME. This is a part one to a request by TodoDeku_Simp_101  for a sick bokuto and i started this a while back and thought it would be a good introduction to why he got sick in the first place)

Bye ✌🏾

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