Chapter 4 (edited)

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Kenny laughed at Scotty and taunted, "Your poor little mommy made you do the big, bad dishes."

Scotty sat down on a chair in front of Ham's s'more table, "Hey, you want a s'more?"

"Some more what?" Scotty asked confused.

Ham shook his head, "No, no, you want a s'more?"

I stopped talking to Tommy and focussed on their conversation instead. It seemed funnier.

"I haven't had anything yet, so how can I have some more of nothing?" Scotty asked and I started laughing.

"You're killing me, Smalls." Ham was frustrated.

I couldn't stop laughing after that, "Wait, you don't know what a s'more is?"

Scotty was still confused.

"Wow, maybe you really are from another planet and Yeah-Yeah was right." I joked.

"I'm always right, I'm telling you." Yeah-Yeah grinned at me.

Squints jumped in, "Yeah, right! Remember when you were so sure that the best place to learn how to skate was a hill?"

"True. I almost broke my leg!" I hit him on the arm.

"Yeah, yeah, but you didn't. I caught you." he defended himself.

"It was still your idea!" Squints and I yelled in unison.

Meanwhile Ham was teaching Scotty how to make a s'more and Kenny, Tommy, Benny and Bertram were playing cards.

"Alright. Who cut one?" I heard Benny ask.

Tommy pointed at the tall boy next to him, "Bertram!"

I was caught up in my thoughts again until I heard Yeah-Yeah's voice.

"No, it's my sleeping bag." Yeah-Yeah got me out of my daze.

Squints checked the bag, "Yes, it is yours. It has a yellow stain on it."

"Ew!" I teased him.

"Hey, that's not what the stain is!" Yeah-Yeah defended himself, even though I knew that. It was curry. That's what happens when you decide to eat it on your sleeping bag.

"You're gonna set the place on fire, Ham." Kenny called out at the boy, who was still explaining s'mores to Scotty.

Ham had finished the s'more, biting into it, "Then you cover it with the other end."

"Make me one of those." Tommy yelled.

"Yeah, yeah, me too." Yeah-Yeah added.

I raised my hand, "Me three!"

Squints hit me, "Honey, your stupid is showing."

"Bite me." I stuck out my tongue at him, "I know how you say it!"

"You sure?" he teased.

I gave him a grin and he changed the subject, "I don't like that chocolate stuff."

"How can you not?" I asked him, although I knew that he didn't.

"Kind of messy, but good." Ham said in the background, "Try some."

Squints stood up and headed towards the window, "Okay. Quiet, you guys." he said.

We kept chatting and ignored him.

"Quiet! Are you trying to wake it up?" Squints asked, "It just went to bed."

At that we all shut up.

"What just went to bed?" Scotty asked.

Third Base *under editing* *new chapters coming*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz