Love Me While I Hate You

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I'm home for the fifth night in a row, alone, with a blanket wrapped around my body when a knock comes at the door. "Y/N!"

I push the blanket off of me and move to the door. I knew it was JJ from his voice. "Hey," I say.

He looks me up and down then steps inside, past me. "Don't tell me that's what you're wearing to the party."

I shut the door, confused. I'm dressed in a loose, baby pink T-shirt and matching bottoms. "What... party?"

JJ spins around with a crazy look. "Oh, yeah. I'm here to kidnap you for some fun. There's a party going on a couple streets over and we need to go."

I roll my eyes. "JJ, I'm not really in the mood for partying."

"Well, of course not. You're not dressed for it." He gently pushes me towards the stairs. "Come on, go get ready. I'll wait down here for you." When I don't move, he says, "Go, go, go! We don't have all night!"

So I go upstairs and shut my bedroom door. Now that I'm alone in the quiet of my room without JJ or the TV, I feel like my thoughts are a lot more clear. As much as I'm not in the mood to go out anywhere, I guess JJ is right. Eventually, I'll have to leave this house. I'll have to have some fun.

I change into a silky, short, burnt-orange colored dress with straps that wrap around the back of my neck. It swishes when I twirl back and forth and falls perfectly on my curves. My boobs are lifted slightly, giving just enough tease for a party.

When I'm finished with my makeup and hair, I pick up my phone and stare at it. I still haven't gotten rid of the picture on my home screen of me and Rafe in his car. He's kissing me on the cheek while I pucker my lips and wink at the camera. It was when we were happy and I couldn't believe I'd fallen for the Kook King, Rafe Cameron. It wasn't too long before he picked me up and we drove to Miami together, before everything went down hill.

Now, I set my phone upside down on my bed and take one last look at myself, twirling in the mirror. I take a deep breath, preparing myself. It's the first time I'm going out out since Rafe and I broke up. The last time I went to a party was with him. At least it's a pogue party. I went to those before I ever took a second glance at Rafe Cameron. Maybe it will feel like my old life again, pre-Rafe.

My hands shake as I lift my summer dress up and slowly make my way downstairs. JJ is staring out the front door window until he hears me behind him and turns. His face drops and then he smiles, taking in my outfit. "What?" I blush.

His eyes move up my body. "You, uh... you look awesome."

I smile. "Thanks."

He holds his arm out. "You ready?"

I loop my arm through his and let him take me out of my house to his car. Ready as I'll ever be, I tell myself.

I look over at JJ as we start down the dark road. I'm sure he doesn't know that I'm looking at him because he's smiling to himself, and he doesn't ever say why. It makes me smile, but then I remember what Kiara said to me earlier when I met her at The Wreck for lunch while she was on break. "You know, it kills JJ to see you so sad," she said to me, munching on a French fry.

"Yeah, that's what all my friends are saying," I mumbled.

"No, I mean, it kills him to see you still so heartbroken over Rafe. You know he's, like, totally in love with you, right?"

I nearly choked on my food. I know JJ likes me, but I wouldn't go as far to say that he's in love with me. Kiara must have known exactly what I was thinking because she shrugged and said, "You're probably the last person on this island to learn that."

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