Beautiful Girl

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The last two weeks for Rafe have been some of the best days in his life. Having Y/N around has changed so much. Before her, he what? Played golf with Topper and Kelce? Sneaked more mai tais than were allowed until he got drunk at the Country Club? Snorted coke after his dad got angry with him then whipped around carelessly on his motorcycle? Now, it feels like his whole perspective has changed. Golf isn't as interesting unless he's standing behind Y/N teaching her how to swing. He doesn't waste time at the Country Club anymore unless she's working a shift there. Then he might stop by just to see her. The only reason Rafe made that shitty comment about JJ being a shitty waiter that one time was really because he was tired of seeing Y/N serve everyone around him but him. He wanted to talk to her, even though he wasn't sure what to talk to her about.

But then he sees JJ come up beside her and make her smile, which makes Rafe's stomach twist with... what? He's never felt this way before. He's never cared about another guy-- pogue or kook-- flirting with a girl he's interested in. Then again, Rafe has only ever hooked up with girls. He never let anybody in the way he does with Y/N.

Already, she's seen the darker sides of him. Every time Rafe fucks up and gets in trouble with Ward, there's only one place on his mind. Either in the midst of crying or high on coke, he gets in his car and drives to Y/N's. When she appears at his passenger door, he feels his heart skip a beat. On really bad nights, he'll just lean into her as she gently plays with his hair in the silence of the car. He loves how patient she is with him, never pushing him to tell her what happened. Usually, he doesn't know how to explain it. How could he when he can't even explain it to himself? That his father hates him because he can't do anything right.

That night at the Boneyard, before Rafe approached Y/N, he'd just gotten a warning slap from Ward. It would've been worse if Rafe's little sister, Wheezie, hadn't called for Ward from upstairs. Ward looked at him with a fire in his eyes, like he wanted to hurt Rafe more. It's like his father was never finished beating up on him.

When he got to the party, he planned on getting fucked up and probably hooking up with some random girl who would let him snort coke off her inner thigh. However, the girls he hooked up with before were of no interest to him now. None of them had really blown Rafe away. And the girls he hadn't hooked up with were too drunk and obnoxious or they'd heard about Rafe Cameron and wanted nothing to do with him.

Rafe didn't-- and still doesn't-- know exactly why he approached Y/N at the Boneyard that night. Before then, he never really paid attention to her except the fews times he saw her at other parties. He never thought she was anything special, but he's quickly learning that was simply because he kept her categorized with the rest of the pogues.

He noticed Y/N from afar, watching as she moved her body around in her tight dress, the way her long, dark hair fell around her bare shoulders. She was sexy, the way she threw her head back and laughed drunkenly at whatever her friends were saying. Whoever Rafe had been talking to became nonexistent as he meandered his way through the crowd, pushing people out of his way until he came up behind Y/N.

Rafe was surprised she didn't tell him to fuck off. He knows he doesn't have the best reputation in OBX. Instead, even when she noticed who it was, she let him explore her body with his hands. That excited him even more. It was like she didn't care about what Rafe was about, she just wanted to have a fun time. That's exactly what he'd been looking for. Just a few feet away, her friends stood there with horrified looks on their faces until they couldn't watch anymore and vanished within the crowd. Meanwhile, Rafe moved against her, feeling her curves and the way they fit so perfectly against him.

He had to talk to her afterwards. When he saw her at the keg, he made his move. Her quick, witty responses made him laugh-- he couldn't remember the last time he'd laughed-- and it had felt good, especially after his father, Ward, got so angry at him earlier.

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