The Warning

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After visiting Y/N, Rafe screeches to a stop in front of Barry's and hops out. He sees Barry's bike lying on its side in his yard. He steps by it and walks right inside. Barry sits on his couch, sorting out nuggets of weed and weighing bags of coke. Rafe sniffles and Barry looks up. The fan hanging from the ceiling is blowing fast, cold air down onto them, making several dollar bills on the coffee table flap around under an empty mug with a coffee ring inside of it.

"What do you want, Country Club?" Barry says, leaning back into the couch.

"I need a piece," Rafe says, sitting down in the chair at the end of the coffee table.

Barry snorts. "You got my money?"

Rafe pulls out a wad of cash and drops it on the table. It was supposed to be for the rest of the Miami trip, but that ended earlier than he and Y/N originally planned, and it was all because of Rafe. He knows he fucked up. Hearing Y/N say that he scared the shit out of her made his heart break. He didn't want to scare her, but it felt like he was losing her-- losing his mind. The idea of losing Y/N, especially to a pogue like JJ, drives him absolutely insane.

"Woah, where the hell'd you get this?" Barry picks up the wad of cash and starts counting it. It's way more than enough for a piece.

Truthfully, Rafe stole it from the safe in his dad's office where he keeps his gun-- the one Rafe fucked Y/N with last night in his bedroom. He has the gun now in his back pocket, cleaned and reloaded. He'll have to be careful about putting it back in the safe before Ward and Rose come home. To Barry, he says, "Don't worry about it. It's yours."

Barry stares at him with a smirk, like somehow this is all funny. Then he gets up and disappears into his room. Rafe stares at all of the drugs on the table and glances back to see if Barry is within visibility. He starts to reach forward when Barry's voice makes him jump back. "Alright, Country Club, you got your piece and a little extra since you paid more than what was needed. Although, dealing with your ass, I should always get extra." He tosses a bag of coke right into Rafe's hands. Rafe nearly starts drooling.

Right away, Rafe pours himself a line and snorts it up. His leg starts bouncing as he feels his veins begin to snap with electricity; an amazing, buzzing sensation he never gets tired of. It's about the only thing that could calm him down right now. He didn't want to come back home-- he would have been fine staying in Miami with Y/N for the rest of his life, but then she wanted to come home. Rafe knew it was because of his reckless behavior, and he hates himself for that. The last thing he would ever want to do is drive Y/N away. Ever since coming back to OBX, Rafe has felt a weight on his shoulders he didn't realize he ever carried. Getting high on coke is the only thing that makes being home better, except for Y/N, but she's stuck at home right now without any way of talking to Rafe. He'd have to stick to sneaking into her house while her parents are away.

She also told him that her parents don't want Y/N seeing Rafe anymore. It made Rafe feel like he lost his breath. What if they change her mind? What if she wakes up one day and realizes that her parents are right? That Rafe doesn't deserve her. A girl like Y/N could easily find someone better to her and for her, but Rafe loves her, and he's sure no other guy will ever love her as much as he does. He just hopes she feels the same way.

He sets up another line for himself and snorts it all-- every last piece. Barry stares at him in the midst of weighing another bag. "What?" Rafe snaps.

"Alright, Rafe, what's going on?" Barry leans back and drapes his arm across the back of the couch.

Rafe shakes his head, running his finger along the edge of the coffee table. "I love her, man."

"Y/N?" Barry leans forward with raised eyebrows.

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