"Can you wait here while I go order my food?" He asks me and waits for my answer.

"Sure," I finally say, as he gets up and walks towards the line. I smile to myself, glad that he is talking to me again, but my smile fades as I see Christina walking with Ferris. Her smile was gleaming as she talked to him. I saw her eyes glisten as she looked at him. Ferris has that effect on people. As I doze dreamily at Ferris, I didn't realize that Tyler came back with a chicken wrap, sitting opposite me. He waves his hand in front of my eyes, smiling as he sets his wrap down.

"What are you looking at?" He asked me, as my gaze still followed Ferris.
"Ferris," I say, before I acknowledge it. "And Christina." I quickly add, saving myself.

"Why?" He questions, following my eyes to set on Christina and Ferris.

"Because..." I say, unsure of how to twist myself out of this lie. "Christina's my friend and I'm happy for her."

"You're friends with Christina?"

I look at Tyler, his eyes still focusing on Christina.

"Yes... Is that hard to believe?"

Tyler turns back to look at me.

"No... Isn't she, like, really popular?"

"And I can't hang out with popular girls?" I question, giggling quietly.

Tyler stammers, opening and closing his mouth several times.

"No, I was just-"

"I'm kidding," I answer, silently laughing in my mind.

Tyler looks at me, his eyes glistening as he gawks at me. He uncomfortably coughs, looking away quickly, taking a huge bite from his wrap. We sat there in silence, eating our lunch and sneaking small glances at each other.

I could smell the faint smell of Christina's expensive perfume trailing behind me, as I turned around and saw her smiling widely at me.

"What's up?" I asked her, looking at my friend.

"What's up with you?" She asked, eying me and Tyler.

My smile spread wider, looking from Christina to Tyler and back again.

"Nothing, just hanging." I remark.

Christina hopped from one foot to another, her impatience growing.

"Can I... Can I talk to you over there?" She requests, pointing to the table next to Ferris. Any excuse to be near him, I guess.

"Sure," I hesitantly replied, pointing my finger up to Tyler, ambling next to Christina and sitting next to her on the table. I didn't see her looking at me as I glanced at Ferris whose face was planted into his phone, a deep scowl set on his face. Dammmnnn...

My thoughts were interrupted by Christina's low voice beckoning me through the roaring of the rowdy college students.

"What are you looking at?" She demanded, following my eyes to where Ferris is sitting. "Are you looking at Ferris?" She quizzes, eying me wistfully.

"What?!" I say, snapping my head to face her quickly.

"Are looking at Ferris?" She questions again, a smile twitching at the corners of her mouth.

"Yeah, I was just..." Oh great. How do I get myself out of this one? "checking to see if this 'Ferris' guy is good for you." I answer, hating every word but glad that I stitched it up before I could inflict a wound.

I watched as Christina's eyes relaxed, her almost invisible smile glistening in the light as it widened.

"He's cute, right?" Christina gushed, gazing over to Ferris for the 500th time today.

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