𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 29

Start from the beginning

"The next thing I got you is this purple bonnet, 'cause it's in your favourite colour. I got you this book because my mom says all girls like romance novels, and I also got you these leggings 'cause it's supposed to make your ass look fat. Not that your ass isn't already fat, I just thought you'd like the colour 'cause it's purple."

"Then I got you this planner for college or whatever," I sigh finishing off everything.

"Oh my God Kai, I don't need all of this. What the fuck?" Rory hugs me tightly.

"I would've gotten you clothes, but your dad said you have too many already."

"Bubs, I really don't need all this."

"you deserve it all," I shrug leaning back onto her bed with lily laying on my chest.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"Go nigga damn!" Chris screams running in front of Denny who's running away from the snowballs being thrown at a rapid pace.

Some people from our school found this empty lot with 4ft tall snow, we ended up being invited for a snowball fight between the grade 11s and 12s. I pick up a snowball from Zara's hand and chuck it at a short kid.

The kid falls down, then I realize the kid is Denny, Denny wails loudly trying to get up. "Damn," I mumble, my hand in a fist over my mouth.

Zara hands me another snowball which I chuck at the grade 11 I do recognize.

A small, tightly packed wall separates both grades, Denny has to stand on his tippy toes to see over the wall, Zara makes the snowball quickly making a pile for us to work with, and Chris tackles all the grade 11s trying to get to our side.

I run back to Rory to check if she was ok, she's making a snowman with Kiki, who we had to babysit, but we also couldn't miss out on the fight. They sit in the snow rolling up a ball bigger than the two of them combined.

"Y'all good?"

"Yeah!" Kiki shouts, her face rosy red from the cold.

"Which teams winning?" Rory asks fixing the fog building up over her glasses.

"Ours, of course."

"C'mon lover boy, gimme all ya got," some white kid shouts at me from behind the snow wall.

"Shut your white ass up!" Chris yells back, throwing a dead rat at him.

When I go back to Zara and the girls making snowballs they all hand me a few which I store in my pockets. Snowball, after snowball, I knock down as much of the shrimpy grade 11s I can.

Denny struggles to make his way through the snow as he's almost the same height as it.

"Huddle up Grade 12's!" The boy who posted the location on his story screams loudly, cupping his hands beside his mouth. The graduating class huddles up, the girls still making snowballs. "All right, here's the plan, we need someone to sacrifice, so the grade 11s waste all their snowballs on one person. If that doesn't work, then we keep on sacrificing people all while knocking the team out slowly. Tell ya what? After this I'll take all y'all to Timmy's get some hot chocolate, only if we win though, we lose? I'm never inviting y'all to shit."

"So, who are we sacrificing?"

All eyes shift to Denny who's catching snowflakes on his tongue.

"What're y'all looking at?"

"Perfect," the boy grabs Denny by his arms and throws the poor boy over the wall as bait. The team attacks Denny with snowballs, when they stop our team runs over to their side. We've decided instead of attacking them with snow, we use our hands. 

After beating up the younglings, Rory and I go back over to my house instead of getting hot chocolate with everyone. Rory lays Kiki down in her own bed, she must be tired from all that walking.



"Wanna go on a date?"

"Wait really? No, but like yes, but It'll take me forever to get ready cause this is unexpected and I don't have anything nice to wear and like where would we go since it's like-"

"Princess don't think about it too hard. It's just a chill date, we can go to the Toronto Ice skating rink and get some hot chocolate," I chuckle wrapping my arms around her waist. She leans into my touch.

From here I can see her nipple piercing peeking through her tight fitted shirt. I pinch her nipples making her jerk out of my touch, I laugh loudly. "Don't wake up my baby bald boy."

"Oh, she's your baby now?"

"She's always been my baby," Rory shrugs.

"I thought I was your baby though?" I follow Rory out of the door and into the apartment lobby.

"No, you're bubs."

"Do you even love me?"

"Of course, I do," Rory pulls my arms into her chest wrapping her hands around them.

"Doesn't seem like it," I mumble to myself.

Rory stands up on her tippy toes and kisses my cheeks, making me blush. "I still make you blush?" Rory squeals.

"Nah, it's just cold out," I say looking away from Rory. The blush only creeps all over my face.

At the back of the small coffee shop, I and Rory sit enjoying our cups of hot chocolate. I smile looking down at Rory as she laughs freely at a lame joke I told.

It's the last day before we're back to school, back to busier routines than now. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and News years we spent together, our relationship only growing with love. Our futures are falling into place as Rory received a full-ride scholarship to university and I secured a job in the hospital for when I graduate university.

Our school is already focusing on our graduation, practising for the event starts as soon as school does, everything we've dreamed about doing since forever is becoming reality right in front of our eyes. I wouldn't want to go through this journey with anyone but Rory. 

Rory plays with the matching necklace on her chest, she looks out of the window long fully. I follow her gaze to see a family of five walking on the sidewalk, huge smiles plastered on their faces. The mother and the father laugh in each other's arms while their kids skip happily across the sidewalk.

"One day, that'll be us."  

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

AN: wheewww, this is the longest i've gone without updating, i'm genuinely sorry, my teacher is already giving us all this work and it's kicking my ass. but only a few more updates until Our pull is done, that's crazzzyyy  😖😖

 whos POV do y'all prefer, Rorys or Kais? 

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