Wooyoung grimaced, turning around.

"Wear something when coming out, Good heavens." Wooyoung said, frowning. San rolled his eyes, and walked past Wooyoung to get to his wardrobe. Wooyoung stared at the prince, with scrunched eyebrows, unsure of what to do now that he was in his new room. San picked his night garments and walked back to the bathroom, completely ignoring the younger prince, standing idly in the middle of the room.

Wooyoung sat on the bed, the soft mattress dipped slightly as Wooyoung got comfortable on it. He could just fall asleep at this moment, the comfort of the bed luring out to him. The door opened and San walked in, now fully dressed in his navy blue silk pajamas.

San brought out a thick blanket and spread it on the floor beside the bed. He took a pillow and tossed it on the ground. Wooyoung looked at the prince and smiled.

"Oh, how considerate of you to sleep on the floor and let me have the bed. You really are not that horrible, are you?" Wooyoung drawled, his voice coming out slurred. San raised an unimpressed brow.

"Oh, how foolish of you to assume that I would sleep on the floor in my room," San stated. "You are sleeping here." He pointed at the blanket on the marble floor.

Wooyoung scoffed, standing up and crossing his arms. Even his drunk self couldn't handle San's infuriating behaviour.

"I shall not sleep here." Wooyoung spat, narrowing his eyes at the taller. San bawled his fists and took a deep breath.

"In case you forgot, allow me to refresh your memory. We are married, which means everything that belongs to you is mine as well. So this room and this bed belongs to me as much as it does to you." Wooyoung explained.

San stepped forward until he was in Wooyoung's personal space. Wooyoung stepped back trying to create some distance between them but San just kept moving forward with a hardened expression on his face, until Wooyoung's back hit the wall and now he was caged in. The younger frowned, raising his brows in question.

San placed his right hand on the wall, next to Wooyoung's head, as he glared at him dangerously. Wooyoung suddenly felt slightly intimated by the older's gaze at him. He raised his eyebrows questioningly. The proximity of their bodies was too uncomfortable for him.

"Listen here, Jung. I do not give a damn about this marriage and you are nothing but a nuisance to me, so you will not tell me what to do. You are here in my kingdom and my room so you better know your place." San spoke with venom in his voice.

Something snapped inside Wooyoung, he pushed the prince away and fold his arms on his chest.

"Oh really? If that seems to be the case, then you would not mind if I disclosed to the emperor of your dalliance with a maid, would you? Since, I am nothing but a nuisance to you." He raised his brows as San's tough composure crumbled away and he frowned at the younger prince nervously.

"You shall do no such thing," The crown prince glared at him.

Wooyoung merely smiled enjoying how he tried to seem unaffected by his accusation. Now it was Wooyoung's turn to step forward confidently until San's back hit a desk and Wooyoung, in all his drunk glory, placed his hands on the table, beside the prince's hips and leaned in with a smirk.

"Now, now. We do not want the emperor to know about your little affair going on, do we? How would you think he would react when he finds out that his one and only son, the crown prince of the empire is courting a mere servant, hm?"

He asked, his voice coming out rather seductively as he dragged a finger along the taller's jawline. The alcohol in his system was showing it's effect in full force.

Sober Wooyoung would never have the guts to do something so provocative. His drunk self tended to be more confident and rather shameless, something Yeosang always complained about. This was one of the reasons he was never allowed to drink in gatherings.

"You-" San cleared his throat, taken aback by the prince's sudden tantalizing behaviour.

"What is it that you want from me?" He asked nervously.

"Nothing too brazen. I would just like to rest on the bed," Wooyoung said, sporting a challenging smile. "Alone."

He pulled away from the taller, who exhaled shakily and stood up straight.

"You are cruel," The redhead accused, narrowing his eyes at the younger who just shrugged in return.

"So I have been told," They looked at each other for a few moments until the older cleared his throat.

"So, can I sleep on the bed or not?" He asked, smirking. San groaned, running a hand through his hair.

"This hurts my pride," He mumbled incoherently.

"Come again? I missed it." Wooyoung said, tauntingly. San rolled his eyes.

"I said fine! Jesus." He grumbled walking over to his side of the bed and laying down.

Wooyoung smiled in satisfaction and plopped on the mattress with a content sigh. He didn't bother to change his wedding attire, he was too exhausted to even lift a finger.

He turned his head to look at San beside him, who's eyes were closed. Wooyoung sighed and turned the opposite direction and pulled the comforter up to his neck.

This didn't feel like home...


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