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Entering the colony where the tribe lived through a secret route, Yoongi took Y/n to an isolated building where not many people visited. Y/n was to be kept there at least until Yoongi came up with a plan about what they were supposed to do next. The place was pretty much like Y/n's world but the major difference between the worlds was that these people were not aware of any kind of technology. Yoongi informed Y/n that these people could speak two languages; one which was their own and the other was Korean in Satoori accent, which they picked up while living in Daegu for decades.

Entering the dark isolated building with Yoongi, Y/n felt really weird; she was not prepared for anything like this. Yoongi led Y/n to a room that was at the end of the three-story building that they were in. He said it would be safe for her to stay here as even Namjoon does not visit this place much and that he would sneak her food whenever he could. He could not promise that he would be able to provide food to Y/n four times a day and Y/n understood that. It was of course next to impossible for Yoongi to come to this building during the day as it would create a suspicion in the tribe so he said that he would bring her as much food as he can at once because his next arrival would be uncertain. Y/n agreed to it and as she was pretty much understanding, she did not mind this. She was fine with eating at least twice a day; she just needs to know about Namjoon and of course, she is not here for eating when she was not even sure if Yoongi would feed her human flesh or something else.

"I know what you are thinking. Don't worry, I will get you some greens; I won't feed you meat or something because all you would get here is human flesh; so yeah- don't worry." Yoongi said and Y/n nodded while passing a small smile to Yoongi.

"See, I gotta go. I can't stay here for long. You take care, don't make any loud noise, and think of me with utmost concentration if you need me any time and I would be here. Okay? And also, the necklace that you have- that emerald one; you must remove it now and I will give you another one which you should wear." Yoongi said before patting her head and walking out of the room after closing the door from outside. He had to close the door from outside as if not closed from outside, people that might visit this place would immediately know that someone was inside.

Y/n roamed around in the room while looking at the few decorative things that were kept. Most of the furniture was handmade from bamboos and woods just like how ancient people used to make it. All these things fascinated her; it was her first time seeing all handcrafted things and she was so immersed in them that she almost for a moment forgot why she was here in the first place. As she stood in front of an oddly shaped mirror, her eyes landed on the emerald locket hanging around her neck. Although Yoongi told her to remove it because he was going to give her another one but she knew that she would never be able to keep it away from her because it was the last thing that her brother gifted her and there was no way on earth she was letting it go. Although Taehyung promised to protect her like the best brother he was, he could not stay with her. It was of course not his fault that he could not stay with her and protect her because he died while he was trying to protect his little sister from a monster named Namjoon. Therefore in a way, he did keep his promise; although not for a long time but he did.

She had eaten before she left her house and she was not hungry at the moment, therefore without wasting any more time she went to bed. She was tired and her body was giving up. She was not used to walking for so long that too on bumpy tracks in a fucking forest at night. She also did not know what to do at this place; she was new and on top of it, she was not allowed to explore, so sleeping was the only thing that she could think of at the moment. She slept on a wooden bed that of course had no mattress; these people were not developed at all. As soon as she closed her eyes, she fell into a deep slumber in no time without noticing the floating figure outside her room who was smiling to himself while looking at her.


Waking up to some idiotic sunrays hitting her face, Y/n groaned in annoyance. These people did not even have electricity; it was a pretty hectic thing for Y/n and used candles as a source of light; she was not used to living in such conditions. Looking at the time in her phone that was kept on the bed, beside her; she realized it was just seven in the morning and that she could sleep a bit longer but her thoughts were disturbed by the sound of the door unlocking.

"Y/n? Are you up yet?" Yoongi asked while entering the room with a lot of food.

"Yeah, just." Y/n replied while half asleep.

"I have got you food from the town. Here, umm- I have got you some packets of ramen, some chips, fruits, and some coke in case you would want to drink something, and here is your breakfast. I have got you some sandwiches. I am sorry if you don't like the-"

"I am glad you did this Yoongi although you did not have to; I would have adjusted with some fruits and vegetables and yeah, I like them. Actually, I am loving all that you have brought for me. Thank you!" Y/n replied while Yoongi smiled at her.

"Okay, that's perfect then; now I know what you like to eat. Oh yeah, here- the locket that I was talking about." Yoongi said while handing Y/n a blood-red coloured locket. "You can remove the emerald one and put this on."

"Ahh- about that Yoongi, this is the only thing I have from Taehyung and I actually don't want to keep it away from me."

Yoongi hesitated to agree. "Members of the tribe hate emerald and I don't know why. I am thinking of introducing you to the people here as a chef. These people are planning on modernising themselves so that they can easily mix up with normal humans that would help them grow their community and the first thing they want to try is human food. See, all their life they have eaten meat and some edible plants and they have no idea how human food would taste; I was appointed to search for someone that can cook, so I am thinking of introducing you to them and if they see the emerald locket, your life would be at risk."

Now it was time for Y/n to hesitate. She understood what Yoongi wanted to convey but fuck, she did not know how to cook and about the locket; she still was not sure.

"Umm- what if I remove it but keep it with me?" Y/n asked Yoongi.

"That doesn't make any difference. They can sense when you have an emerald so if you are keeping it with you, they would still know. You can trust me Y/n; I'll keep it with myself and once we are done with whatever we are here for, I'll return it to you."

Y/n sadly nodded and removed the necklace that Taehyung gave her. She placed it on Yoongi's palm after looking at it for good seconds.

"So, when are you taking me out from this building?"

"Two to three days later."

With that said, Yoongi walked out of her room while tightly holding the emerald locket in his fist. Y/n looked at him and noticed how uncomfortable he was as soon as he held the emerald and she did not understand why. She was again trapped inside the four walls all alone and all she could think about at that moment was about Jungkook. 'Is he still alive?' 'I don't even know where he is but I still came here and I don't even know what to do.' she thought. 

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