"Hey Barnes, you know I can kill you, so cool it." A red head woman in all black stood up walking to me with a slight side smile. "So, you're the fire starter. I'm sorry to hear about your mom." she put her hand out for me to shake. She was the first person to say sorry for my loss. Unlike the sexy brute next to me.

I shook her hand with a slight smile. "Thanks"

"That's Natasha. The asshole looking at you like candy is Sam, the old guy playing with a drumstick is Clint and the quiet punk reading a newspaper is Steve." I softly waved at all of them. Steve looked up from his newspaper and quickly stood up placing his hands behind his back and smiling at me. It all felt awkward. 

"Ma'am" Steve nodded trying to hide his smile. I nodded back at him trying not to furrow my brows wondering why he was acting weird. From my moms stories of the Avengers (She followed everything that had to do with them), he was the leader, the most calm. He really wasn't at this moment.

"Right, so... The kitchen is this way." We walk past the living room area, noticing Sam and Steve staring at me as I pass. We walk into some double doors to a huge kitchen with two islands and what looked like a twenty seat dinner table. "Kitchen, you can eat whatever you want, just don't touch the pop-tarts, Thor will get pissed." A blue blur passes us by, I hear the fridge open then close quickly. My hair flew to my face making me tuck it behind my ear. I look around confused. "That was Pietro, he's fast."

"Can I grab some water before we go?" I know he said I could grab whatever I wanted but this was not my home it was theirs. He nodded going to the fridge getting me a water bottle and tossing it at me. I caught it with my right hand, he stared at my wrist for a second. I wondered what he was looking at until the faint blue light caught my eye. "Oh..yea..Stark wanted to make sure I didn't kill anyone with my fire thingy" I said unsure of what to call it. I drank some water looking at the stove clock. My mother would be going into her job right now if she was alive. I sighed and looked down.

He leaned back against the fridge and stared at me like he was analyzing me. "Was that the end of the tour?" To be honest I just wanted to end this and go to bed to cry. I haven't gotten the chance to cry for my mother since last night.

He squared up and walked out the kitchen. We walked past everyone again and to the elevators. I sneak a peak back to see Sam and Steve still looking at me. Those two are creepy.

We walk in and I notice the button he presses this time. It was the 47th floor. The elevator went down. So, mental note, the food is below the rooms but above the 47th floor. Food is important, if there is anything I take note of, it'll be the food.

He leads me out into a pair of doors straight ahead. "This, is the training room" He opened the door and my eyes widen. Holy fucking shit. The room was several floors high and took the entire floor. There was every workout equipment you could ever need plus a bunch of high tech shit that I bet only they had. "We are in here most of the time, so if you need anyone you would most likely find us here." I nod a bit too excitedly. My mom would lose her shit if she saw this, the training room the Avengers work out at. She would freaking run around asking who uses what.

"That's it, the floor you woke up in has the science crap Bruce and Stark use. I'm sure they'll want you there for a few days, they sounded excited when they heard girl that shoots fire." I nod

"Um...what floors are the rooms again?" I didn't want to sound stupid but I didn't want to get lost either. He sighs looking away

"Ours is the 54th floor, if you need...anything for woman...um...Natasha or Wanda would help" Was he trying to tell me if I needed tampons or something? Like I can't go to the store and get it?

Fire starter (Ana X Bucky)Where stories live. Discover now