Cao Qian: "..."

Alright then, at least Xing Ye's brain hadn't gone rusty yet. His reaction speed and analysis was as strong as ever- even under this situation, he could speculate about the plot. That was their only good news today.

"I think the biggest thing the system should seal isn't your starting abilities, but your brain." Cao Qian said.

Xing Ye's blood ran cold when he heard that. "You can't say stuff like that casually. If the system really finds a way to limit my brain, what will we do in the next world? Just lie down and wait for defeat?"

Cao Qian knew she had misspoken and poked out her tongue, which was made of a matchbox.

"There's no place of friction on your body, right? Your whole body's a matchstick head, so it only takes a bit of heat before you burn up."

A thick matchstick formed the torso of Cao Qian's body, with little match heads forming the rest of her body. Her head was a huge match, with some thin matches on top, which seemed to serve as her hair.

She wore a shabby-looking skirt. It was also why Xing Ye guessed that she was probably a girl earlier.

In fact, Cao Qian's circumstances were still a little bit better than Xing Ye's. At least she had family members who would spend money for her. Although her mother always scolded her, she at least raised her and would help fix her arm when she broke it.

Xing Ye gave the snapped off arm for the big mirror to hold and used his own left hand to support his chin. Not only would doing so support his constantly creaking chin, it also gave him a profound and dignified look, although that profound and dignified look only existed in his imagination.

"Who fixed your arm for you?" Xing Ye asked.

"There's only one repair shop in the city, Old Nect's house. I heard Benedict gave that puppet his own ability to repair in hopes that the puppet city could stay forever clear of death and illness. Thus, he also gave half of his own name to Old Nect." Cao Qian answered. With family members to ask, she could obtain much more information than Xing Ye.

"Go home and ask your mother for money. Say that your arm got broken by somebody and you need repairs. After that, go scout out the repair shop and tell us about it. I think we can start from there." Xing Ye proposed.

Seeing how Cao Qian didn't seem to understand, Xing Ye explained, "The system said Master Benedict put his heart in one of his puppets. Even if he turned into a puppet, he would still want Puppet City to become the wonderland he had always imagined.

"Although the mission never said they had to find Benedict, he was definitely an important character we have to talk with.

"Even if Benedict isn't useful at all in the plot, we still need his help to change our bodies, so we have to go. If we keep using our current bodies, I'd might as well burn you to death right now and then find a player to kill me so I can leave the world. There's no way we can win with our current bodies."

Cao Qian found Xing Ye's words reasonable, but she didn't quite understand his last point. "If you'll kill me, you'll get 1000 points and upon losing the game, I'll lose 2050 points. Then, if you're killed by somebody else, although you'd also lose half your points, wouldn't you still get a return of 500 points from me?"

Xing Ye's face didn't change as he complimented, "Great, you can already see through the snares in my words. There's progress, you aren't like a machine just following whatever other people say anymore."

Cao Qian didn't get angry. In the last world, Xing Ye said that he might end up needing to stab her, but after she was beaten black and blue by Bai Xu, he didn't give up on her and even forced Guan Ling to heal her.

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