19 - All Good Things Come to an End

Start from the beginning

Zareh felt horrible for everything. He hated that after such a great night he was ruined with horrible news, but he didn't have a choice. It was information that Ciarren needed to know and he hadn't even been able to tell him everything... With one arm he hugged Ciarren tightly to his chest and he wrapped the other around Jesper, turning his head into the blonde locks and whispering that it'll be okay and they'll get through it.

Once Jesper had calmed he lifted his head to look at Zareh who just looked back sadly. "Let's go to the living room and start making breakfast. You and Ciarren both need to eat and I'm sure so do the other three. When everyone is awake and fed we'll talk more about this, but for now, you all need to get some food in you."

Jesper kissed his cheek softly, always thankful for the way the man takes care of them before dressing and exiting the room. Zareh lays Ciarren on the bed while he gets dressed before sliding a pair of boxers and a large sweater onto Ciarren. Once the two were covered, Zareh lifted him back up and carried him carefully to the living room, where he laid him on the couch, covered him with a soft blanket. Zareh and Jesper both worked together in order to cook up a large breakfast of french toast, eggs, bacon, and fruit. At some point, while they were cooking their three guests had made their way to the kitchen and were sitting at the island. What really took them by surprise was Ciarren who was resting his head on Osiris's shoulder. He didn't seem to be crying, but Milly rubbed his back gently while staring at him with concern. Killian was watching the two with calculating eyes as he tried to figure out what could have possibly gone wrong between them leaving and this morning. He wasn't sure if it was sub drop or something different. Osiris was focused on Ciarren and was attempting to ask him questions, but was only getting responses in the form of a nod or shake of the head.

Once all the food was placed on the table, Zareh looked at Osiris almost pleadingly. The dominant in him desperately wanted the upset submissive back in his arms. He felt he was the safest there, but he would settle if Osiris was where Ciarren wanted to stay. This confused Killian even more as it seemed there wasn't ill-feeling towards the three as Ciarren originally wanted to go to Zareh, but once he realized that the two were so focused on cooking he quickly found comfort in one of his best friends. He also didn't think this was a sub drop as usually when Ciarren was experiencing a sub drop he didn't want to be touched, looked at, or near people at all, but now it seems like he needed contact with someone. Something had to have happened.

When Osiris saw how Zareh was staring at Killian he felt for the man, so with just a tilt of his head he whispered into a mess of hair, "If I'm reading this correctly, Zareh desperately wants you back in his arms..." Ciarren's head snapped up and his eyes locked onto Zareh before he was scrambling out of Osiris's arms and tripping over himself to get to the man. Zareh instantly wrapped him up in his arms, lifting him up and allowing him to wrap his legs around his waist.

Zareh pressed his face into the other man's shoulder and whispered, "I'm so sorry sweet boy, but I need you to get some food in your tummy, and then we can talk about everything. He will have to go through me to get to you." Zareh expected him to put up a fight, but with a soft okay he sat down at the table with Ciarren in his lap.

The group slowly made their way through breakfast with light conversation. The three guests were extremely confused, but they knew they would get answers soon enough. Ciarren didn't partake in the conversation and instead focused on Zareh who was feeding him. He tried not to allow himself to get lost in the scary thoughts of what this news could mean. Ciarren tried to eat as much as he could but after a slice of french toast, two pieces of bacon, and a couple of pieces of fruit he just couldn't handle anymore and instead chose to focus on feeding Zareh and Jesper their bacon instead. He would rotate between the two, holding up the crispy pieces, and allowing them to take a bite until they were completely finished. Once the group was done they silently cleaned up all the dishes before making their way to the living room and gathering on the couches. Killian, Osiris, and Milly looked at Zareh expectantly who was sitting on the opposite couch with Jesper against his die and Ciarren across both their laps.

With a deep breath, Zareh began the explanation. "Early this morning I received a call from the police department. Matt escaped police custody. The police are unsure how or where he currently is, but they are actively searching for him." All eyes rotated between Zareh and Ciarren through the explanation, but he sat there almost emotionless. "However, they have an idea of how to catch him again... A plan that I don't agree with at all, but I feel I have to share it with you." Ciarren looked up at him confused. He had thought that it was just what it was. Matt was out. He was going to come for him again and what if he got him this time. He knew he wouldn't be able to survive him again and he was almost to terms with it. His biggest regret is how much it may hurt Zareh and Jesper and his three best friends. "They want..." Zareh took a deep breath in an attempt to reel in the anger that the sentence caused him. He couldn't believe the audacity of the police to request such a thing. "They want to use Ciarren as bait. They think that his unhealthy obsession with Ciarren will bring him right to them. I don't agree with the plan. There's no way to ensure that you won't get hurt. I won't-"

"I'll do it."

"I won't be there to protect you. None of us will be able to actively step in, something about liability. They just want you to stand there and wait. There's so much that could go on." Zareh's angry rambling was cut off by a small hand covering his mouth and Zareh was shocked by the passionate stormy eyes only inches from his.

"I'll do it. I'll do anything that gets him put behind bars sooner. This won't help his case at all and hopefully, that means he'll be gone for even longer. I know you won't be able to be right there, but I know that you won't be far and if something does happen you'll be there to help every step of the way and Jesper will be there with you. My dominants, my Daddy and Sir. And if Ozzy, Killy, and Milly can stay a little longer I know they will help wherever they can. I want to be able to focus on us and getting better. I don't want to think about him ever again and if I have to use his sick obsession over me to do it, then I will. I'm not the scared submissive that ran away, I'm stronger now, maybe not completely, I still have a long way to go, but I know that I have a whole group to support me even if it goes bad. I can do this Daddy. I know I can."

Zareh was nearly in tears. This man had gone through so much and still continues to do so. Although all Zareh wanted was for him to be safe, Ciarren was still an adult, he was still capable of making his own choices. Zareh and Jesper were there to make the decisions that Ciarren didn't want to, but it was obvious in this situation that it wasn't about the dynamic. It wasn't about the submission or the dominance. It was about something so much more than that. It might have been the submissive desires that brought them together, but it wasn't what kept them together. No, it's so much more and both Zareh and Jesper desperately wanted to explore what that 'so much more' is and if this is how Ciarren wanted to do it, they wouldn't stop him. They wouldn't be happy about it, no, but they would support him wherever they could.

"Okay, sweet boy." Zarah's words were a defeated whisper.

"Okay, sweetheart." Jesper's words followed softly.

"You know we'll support you in any way we can. We're here until you ask us to leave." Killian's voice was strong and Milly and Osiris both wore determined looks. They would make sure to support the trio in any way they could. Ciarren had always been their friend and even a blind person could see the connection between the three, it was almost physical, like electricity in the air, and they would be damned if they didn't help. 

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